Kategoriarkiv: WSO/ABC

Donationer till WSO behövs nu för de som kan ge


Dear Fellow Travelers,

Every ACA group’s primary purpose is to carry the message to adult children still suffering, everywhere. Some may take for granted that there is a “Big Red Book” available in every language, but the fact is that countries around the world do not have access to any ACA literature in their native language. Providing translated literature is one of the most important services the World Services Organization (WSO) performs on behalf of ACA groups.


What does WSO do with your donations?

  • Translates and publishes literature in other languages
  • Pays special workers to keep accounts and manage technology
  • Maintains physical and virtual assets like warehouses and Websites
  • Why are WSO donations lower than expected?

● Many meetings that were in person pre-pandemic and were regularly collecting 7th tradition contributions are no longer collecting them and donating to WSO.

What can you do?

  • Ask your group to collect 7th tradition contributions at the meeting.
    Online meetings can STOP their meeting for 1-2 minutes to allow members to contribute to your group’s virtual basket without missing any of the meeting.
  • Ask your group to donate at least quarterly down to your group’s prudent reserve amount.
  • Consider making a personal monthly recurring donation directly to WSO.With your help WSO will be able to maintain a release schedule of 3 or more newly translated literature pieces per year to reach even more adult children who are suffering. Here is the link to the https://adultchildren.org/7th-tradition webpage. You may choose the way you want to make a one-time donation or set up an automatic monthly donation in any amount.Thank you for your service and your donations to help carry the message!In Service,
    The WSO Finance Committee

ACA WSO Volunteer Day

The Honor of Your Presence…

… is requested.

Please join us as we present the Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families 

Volunteer Day, 

Sunday, November 6th 18:30 CET svensk tid


Meeting ID: 819 9035 9298
Passcode: 13579

Meet some ACA members, recalling their journeys in service at the ACA World Service Organization (WSO). 

How did they get there… What were their challenges… How has their personal recovery been nurtured? 

Learn about some of the committees of WSO. Meet some of the members. Hear about their purpose and how they accomplish their goals. And ask how you could contribute to the committee.

And find a few surprises. 

For details about the event (or to learn about those surprises as the event approaches) turn to the Volunteer Resource Committee web page at: https://acawso.org/vrc/

Please consider joining us on November 6th. And when you decide to attend, please answer these few questions. Filling out this form helps us estimate the number of attendees. Thank you!


Annual World Convention (AWC) 21-22/5

The event starts on Saturday 06:00 CET and runs for 40 hours. Please follow this link to register at the Convention website: https://www.acaworldconvention.org/2022-awc-registration/

The European Committee will have it’s own timeslot on Saturday 13:30 CET.The name of the Panel discussion is:”Meet the European Committee”
The following subjects will be covered:
1) Introductions and brief service history of members and possibly guests
2) Function of the European Committee in the WSO
3) Establishing a European ACA Region and the history so far
4) The fellowships development in Europe and current situation
5) Plans for the coming year6) Q&A, questions and answers from participants and panel

We would be very happy to see as many of you in the meeting as possible, please come and join us!


Röstning på motioner till det årliga praktiska mötet öppen för registrerade grupper

ACAs Världsservice organisation har fått in 18 motionsförslag som nu finns på världspraktiska mötets motionslista. Tre zoom-rådsmöten har hållits för att svara på frågor om motionsförslagen. Inspelningar från dem finns tillgängliga här: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/.

Nu går det att rösta på motionsförsklagen fram till den 31 mars. Här finns motionsförslagen och annan intressant information: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/

Registrera din grupp internationellt här, om den inte är registrerad: https://adultchildren.org/meeting/meeting-register/

När din grupp hållit gruppsamvetes omröstningar och ni är redo att fylla i svaren, fyll i web-röstsedeln som finns tillgänglig på 4 språk:

OBS:  Det kan komma en spansk översättning, och det meddelas inom en vecka. Kolla webbsidan för mer information.

Om du inte fyller i hela röstsedeln kan du inte gå tillbaks och fortsätta, utan behöver börja om från början. Om du behöver hjälp, kontakta kommittéen på bpc@adultchildren.org

Tack för att du är delaktig och hjälper till att forma ACAs framtid.

ACA WSO 2021 ABC Ballot Preparation Committee

ACA Världsservice organisationen 2021 Årliga Praktiska möte, Motions förberedelse kommittéen

Online torgmöten inför ACA’s 2021 års Världskonferens (ABC)

Torgmöten kommer hållas online för att ge mer information om de 18 förslag som ligger inför årets omröstning i ABC.

Inför ABC kan grupper, intergrupper och regioner ta ställning till om förslagen ska diskuteras under ABC eller inte. Mellan den 15 februari och den 31 mars kan alla grupper, intergrupper och regioner rösta på förslagen.

Torgmötena hålls på följande datum:

  1. Söndag, 24 januari, kl. 19 vår tid (1 pm ET)
  2. Måndag, 1 februari kl 18 vår tid (Noon ET)
  3. Lördag, 6 februari, kl 20 vår tid (2 pm ET)

Varje möte går igenom sex förslag.

Mer information hittar du här: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/ to Zoom mötesinformation hittar du här: https://acawso.org/events/

Motions förslag för ACA Världens Framtid

Förslagen till motioner att diskutera och rösta på i grupperna och efter gruppernas urval att senare rösta på på världspraktiskamötet ABC i april finns nu med annan intressant information här: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/.

Till hjälp i diskussionerna i grupperna kring motionsförslagen kommer 3 Torgmöten hållas de kommande veckorna där motionsförslagsgivarna får en chans att informera mer. 6 motionsförslag kommer presenteras på varje torgmöte och det kommer finnas chans att ställa frågor. Inspelningar från torgmötena kommer finnas tillgängliga på länken ovan.

Om du behöver hjälp, maila Motionsförberedelse kommittéen/The ABC Ballot Preparation Committee på: bpc@adultchildren.org.
Tack för att du hjälper till att forma ACAs framtid!

The ABC Ballot Preparation Committee

Välkommen att ansöka om en plats i WSO’s styrelse, senast 15/1

Du är välkommen att läsa Nomineringskommitténs brev här nedanför!

Det finns flera platser lediga i WSO’s styrelse, och Nomineringskommittén eftersöker nomineringar inför den årliga konferensen 2021 (Annual Business Conference).

Skicka din ansökan till Greg R. på chairnomcom@acawso.org

Information om kvalificering och hur du ansöker hittar du på: https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/

Service on the WSO Board
The Nominating Committee is committed to strengthening our Board of Trustees by restoring the number of Board members as well as making the Board more representative of our membership.
We ask that EVERYONE in ACA accept the challenge to identify those in the fellowship who would make good Trustees – encourage them and challenge them to apply for Board membership.
Now, more than ever, we are seeing the power of involvement and engagement.
You have the chance to do just that, within ACA, to shape the future direction and scope of activity for your recovery community. The deadline to apply to serve on the ACA Board of Trustees is fast approaching.The Opportunity
The Nominating Committee is committed to nominate four new Board members prior to the 2021 ABC. This is to restore the number of Trustees, as well as fill two new positions.
Submit nominations that may best represent the breadth of our membership. Three female members left the board in the last year; their departures were not anticipated and they have not yet been replaced. The Board currently comprises nine members, all white. Seven of these Trustees identify as male, six from North America and one from Europe. Two members identify as female from North America.
What is Happening Right Now Matters – Right Now!
ACA is experiencing significant growth. We continue to develop and need to understand and support our fellowship for the members we are gaining and will attract over the coming years.
What is the best part of serving on the Board?
Current and former Board members identify the following as the intrinsic rewards of Board service: the ability to be creative, to be challenged, to make life-long friendships, and the honor of service and shaping the future of ACA. Board members also have noted that they have learned much about recovery and the context of and intersection of policy, practice, standards, education, and business, both for organizations and for members.
What skill set, qualities and characteristics does the ACA Board need? 
To create and sustain a positive culture, the Board needs individuals who can engage in issues without taking divergent views personally, and who can work and play well with others. We want to take our work very seriously, but not take ourselves so seriously that we lose the joy and collaborative spirit that reflect the best of the 12 Step tradition.
A commitment to high principles of ethical decision making and conduct is important in Board service. We want to ensure we comply with all relevant laws, of course, but we aspire to ethical standards much higher than merely the legal minimum requirement. This includes a focus on transparency, honesty and accountability.
Commitment to ACA and personal recovery is, of course, of primary importance. We need individuals who recognize and want to promote the value of ACA and the services we provide to members. 
Being on the Board is hard work and rewarding. Is now the time for you to take this step in ACA leadership? Nominations are open for four positions to fill a two- year term for the upcoming election (plus up to two additional two-year extensions). As part of the selection process, each candidate must submit application materials and references and will participate in a Zoom interview. The Nominating Committee will submit a slate of qualified nominees to the Board for approval.
If this is the right time for you or someone you know, please submit an application to Greg R. at chairnomcom@acawso.org  as soon as possible. An application packet is available at https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/. In order to be qualified, you must have five or more years of ACA participation, and it is suggested that you have served on an ACA committee for at least one year and demonstrate a clear and unambiguous commitment to, and identification with, ACA. 
Completed applications must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by January 15, 2021.
Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity!

Workshop 29/8: ”Crafting a Proposal”

Dear Delegates! 

This year the ABC Ballot Prep Committee will be hosting a workshop on ”Crafting a Proposal”.  Proposals are due by October 31st, 2020.

Workshop Dates:
Tuesday August 18th at 8pm ET
Saturday August 29th at 1pm ET

Zoom Meeting ID:  857 7345 9393    Passcode: 90755  

Please visit the ABC Ballot Prep Committee Service Webpage for additional information.  

In Loving Service,
Cheryl F
Delegate Training Sub-Committee Chair