Important Updates: Feb 1st Quarterly Delegate Meeting
Dear ACA Groups,
We are writing with important updates regarding the Feb 1st Quarterly Delegates Meeting (QDM). There are additional resources available to help your delegate prepare for the QDM, including the following:
1) QDM Agenda: The ABC/QDM Committee has approved and posted a meeting agenda. Embedded in the agenda are links with important documents to review beforehand.
- Optional Help: IT and ABC committee members will be available from 8:00-9:00 am EST to answer any IT related questions or questions about the agenda and the voting process.
- Board Report: The board will present a report followed by a Q&A. This will include an update on the upcoming change in literature prices.
- Minority opinion: During the December QDM the motion to approve the Fellowship group voting process was approved to go to worldwide online voting. The result was that the motion was approved with 79.25% in favor and 20.75% opposed. This motion was meant to provide a procedure for fellowship wide voting on topics that affect the fellowship as a whole. Concept V states “Throughout our structure, a Right of Petition prevails, thus assuring us that minority opinion will be heard.” Thus, a minority opinion will be held for this motion.More information about this motion can be found here.
- Sustainability Sub-sub committee: In anticipation of their ABC report, the Sustainability sub-sub committee will ask delegates.1. What is the purpose of QDMs 2. What can be done at QDMs; specifically should there be votes on new business?3. Should the number of QDMs be reduced from 3 to 24. Should the duration of QDMs be extended from 4 to 6 1⁄2 hours
- Conference policy and procedures: Continuation of the discussion about conference policy and procedures from the December QDM. The presentation will summarize findings from the December QDM breakout rooms and ask for feedback from delegates on the following questions regarding greater Conference ownership of conference policy:1. What does greater conference ownership look like?2. What is the plan/roadmap to get there?3. Who develops the plan/roadmap?
- Update from the Concepts Committee: They will provide a description of thecommittee, a recap of recommendations for revision of Concept 2 and provide an update on work they are doing on Concept 6.
- Update from the ABC Study Sub-Committee about the Charter: status update
- Open Forum: There will be an optional post QDM open forum from 1:00-1:45 pm est that will allow delegates to ask questions to the board and WSO committees.
2) Conference Page: Review the conference web page at Conference – Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families In the Essential Resources section, we recommend that you click on “Resources for Next Meeting” and “Delegate Orientation”.
3) Delegate Training: Two delegate training sessions will be held Jan 25th at 9:00 am and 9:00 pm EST. The delegate training powerpoint and videos will be available on the
conference webpage by clicking on the Delegate Orientation box.
Zoom Info for Delegate Training
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 976 5868 4093
Passcode: Delegate
IMPORTANT: As mentioned above, there will be the opportunity for minority opinion on the motion that was presented at the December QDM about the Fellowship-wide Group Voting Process. Please review this motion and appropriate voting section of the QPPM before the QDM.
If your delegate cannot attend on February 1st, we encourage you to find an alternate delegate. Registration information can be found at the Conference web page referenced above. The registration deadline is January 27th.
NOTE: the ABC/QDM committee is actively looking for delegates who would consider serving as Conference volunteers for this February QDM as well as the May 2025 ABC. To learn more, please email us at
Save the date: The 2025 Annual Business Conference (ABC) will be on May 17th and 18th
As always, thank you for your service.
Carmen B., Edmundas V, Marcus H., ABC/QDM Committee Co-Chairs
The 2025 ABC Ballot of Proposals
January 21, 2025
Dear ACA Group Contact,
The 2025 ABC Ballot of Proposals will be published on January 22nd and will be available on the Ballot Prep Committee website and the Conference website Voting on the Ballot will then open on February 15th.
ACA World Service received 13 Proposals in response to the Request for Proposals sent to all groups (meetings, Intergroups and Regions) in August. These Proposals were reviewed by the Ballot Prep Committee, who worked with the Proposing groups to help ensure clarity. The WSO (the Board and appropriate Committees) then added an analysis for each one.
The Proposals, now collectively referred to as the Ballot, are made available for all groups who wish to participate in the voting process. Your group is asked to review and discuss the Ballot Proposals and to submit your group conscience vote on the Ballot form between February 15th and April 7th.
Each Proposal that receives 66.7% ‘Yes’ votes from responding groups will be added to the 2025 ABC agenda for discussion.
This year we are grateful to the translation teams who have made it possible to be able to present the Ballot in Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
To prepare for this voting, please download a copy of the Proposals from our website: Other pertinent information will also be posted on that page. Note: We apologize that there is a delay in preparing some of the translated documentation, so if the document in your language is not posted, please check back soon.
The direct link for voting will be available on February 15th, both on the Ballot Prep website page and the Conference website
As mentioned above, voting on the Ballot will close on April 7th. Voting results will be published on April 10th.
To aid your group’s discussion, the following four Q&A Ballot Proposal Presentations (Town Halls) have been scheduled:
- Saturday, February 8th at 9 pm EST
- Sunday, February 9th at 9 am EST
- Friday, February 21st at 9 pm EST
- Saturday, February 22nd at 9 am EST
During these presentations, the Proposal submitters will have the opportunity to give more information about their Proposals and attendees will be able to ask questions. These meetings will be recorded and made available on our website.
Please email the committee at if you have questions.
Thank you for your participation in helping to shape the future of ACA.
The ABC Ballot Preparation Committee
Honoring ACA’s Birthday Together
Honoring ACA’s Birthday Together![]() Dear Fellow Traveler, In January we celebrate ACA’s 47th Birthday, honoring the community that has helped so many of us on the path to recovery. It’s a moment to reflect on the shared journey we’ve taken together—a journey of healing, growth, and connection. As we mark this annual occasion, we’re reminded of the countless lives that have been touched by ACA’s message. For many, this community has been a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration. While traditional therapy often comes at a significant cost, ACA offers a unique community and tools for healing without financial barriers. This vital work, however, depends on the ongoing generosity of our members. If ACA has been a meaningful part of your journey, we invite you to join us in honoring this tradition by considering a contribution. Every gift, no matter the size, helps ensure ACA’s programs and resources remain accessible to all who seek recovery. Make Your Gift Today Whether or not you choose to give, we are grateful for your presence in this community. Together, we continue to light the way for those who are just beginning their journey. With gratitude, Your ACAWSO Team P.S. Contributions to ACA help us provide critical resources and support for adult children worldwide. If you feel inspired, we’d be honored by your support. |
Riksmöte 3 maj i Stockholm
Stockholm anordnar Riksmöte på Birkagården lördagen den 3/5 2025. Vi söker engelsktalande talare. Mer information kommer. Kontaktuppgifter för att anmäla sig som talare kommer att komma.
För att läsa mer om vad riksmöte och servicekonferense är, klicka här.
Välkommen på Aca konvent i London

Greetings from the UK, we wanted to let you know that there will be an ACA convention in London on Saturday the 10th May this year. There will be speakers, workshops and meetings, you and all members of your fellowship are warmly invited to attend. I have attached the flyer and here is the link to our website with further information & tickets:
The tickets are £20 and here is a link to purchase tickets:
Please do pass this information on to anyone who may be interested, and do let us know if you have any questions.
Kind regards, in fellowship
The UK convention committee
WhatsApp +44 7973 194104
Together, We Can Expand ACA’s Lifeline in 2025
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