Författararkiv: admin

Internationell enkät om säkerheten på online och telefonmöten!

Dear Fellow Travelers,

We are writing as it is important to hear your concerns and what the ACA World Service Organization (WSO) can do to address virtual and online safety issues. The Ad-hoc Meeting and Service Safety Committee (MSSC) was created from a floor motion at this year’s Annual Business Conference. Our initial purpose is to address safety issues related to virtual meeting environments during the coronavirus pandemic and develop a long-term strategy and potential resources to help the ACA fellowship effectively address other chronic safety issues.

Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SafetySurvey-Phone_Virtual .

Please note that this survey will close on October 14th so that responses may be used to formulate our first town hall. All are invited to attend on Saturday, October 31, from 12 pm – 2 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The Zoom link for the MSSC Town Hall is:
Meeting ID: 813 5789 7158
Passcode: 336918

These are opportunities for us to hear your concerns, and to share our ongoing efforts. This information is also on our webpage, https://acawso.org/category/ad-hoc-meeting-and-service-safety-committee/

Please email us at meeting-safety@adultchildren.org with your questions and concerns.

Yours in service,
Erin D.

Chair, Ad-hoc Meeting and Service Safety Committee
WSO Board of Trustees

6th European Annual Event 3e oktober

6th European Annual Event is being held virtual
Saturday 3rd October 2020
10.00-21.00 (CET)

  • Becoming your own Loving parent
  • Recovery in traditions and service 
  • Living the steps in your life
  • Panel discussion: European Region
  • Panel discussion: Sponsorship
  • The Laundry List or similar topic
  • Closing meeting with open sharing

Times to be announced  @  www.acawsoec.com

You will find the flyer for printing out HERE

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

ACA Playdate for LGBTQ+ and POC Members

September 20 @ 15:00 – 21:00 

15:00 – 21:00  – contact:  members@adultchildren.org 

(for more details, to join the WhatsApp group, or to volunteer.)

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 893 3088 9777
Passcode: 257467

Meditation in the Garden
Pet, Puppet, Stuffed Animal Show&Tell
Dance Party
Silly Jokes Hour
Chip Ceremony for ACA Anniversaries
Gratitude Circle

Service Konferens för ACA Sverige ONLINE 14/11

Hej och välkommen till ACA Sveriges Servicekonferens, som hålls lördagen den 14e november klockan 12.00-17.00. Vänligen logga in i tid för att vi ska kunna börja i tid. Vänligen läs igenom dagordning och bilagan till SK. Har er grupp inte fyllt i en grupprapport än så gör gärna det innan. Föregående protokoll och verksamhetsberättelser kommer att skickas ut till grupperna innan så håll utkik i dagarna. Även länk till online-SK kommer läggas ut.  

Här är dagordningen för SK.  

OBS! Nu med Översättningskommittéens reflektioner över motionen

Vänligen läs igenom denna bilaga och följ instruktionen gällande föranmälan av ert deltagande på SK. Föranmälan är önskvärt för att underlätta röstordning och start av konferensen men inte ett krav, en är välkommen även spontant och som deltagare eller för att söka en servicepost.

I bilagan finns också instruktioner för hur mötet kommer att gå till och svar på diverse frågor. Du kan delta via webläsare, app eller telefon.   

Anslut till Google Meet:

Teknisk support: info@aca-sverige.org

Anslut per telefon:

(SE) +46 8 505 453 72 (PIN: 284473897)

Påminnelse för grupper att fylla i grupprapporten via hemsidan.   

Föregående SK-protokoll från våren 2020.

Se även länkar till ServiceGruppens riktlinjer och stadgar.   

Vi vill gärna belysa att en post, av fler blivande vakanta, är extra känslig detta SK, internetansvarig och och viceposten.

Hoppas att vi ses online på lördagen den 14e november!

Zoom-workshop 5/9: Medberoende-prevention!

”Our Loving Parent & Inner Child Codependency Prevention Plan” Workshop

There are substance and behavioral disorder relapse prevention plans and suicide prevention plans . . .

Attendees of this workshop will walk away with a Codependency Prevention Plan created in collaboration with your Loving Parent & Inner Child!

This workshop embraces participants from ALL 12 Step programs who desire to heal from the effects of childhood trauma and dysfunction– those effects may include but are not limited to self-abandonment, codependence, self-comforting via substance or behavioral disorders, relationship conflict or failure, and chronic mental-physical suffering.

Attendees should bring something to type or write on. Colorful, creative art/craft supplies and post-it notes are welcome! Attendees can also bring powerful affirmations, their favorite stuffed animal, and a favorite bedtime story or lullaby. 

*** NOTE #1: The morning workshop is open to 12 Step women only. The evening workshop is open to 12 Step women AND men. Trans and non-binary 12 Steppers identifying with female experience are welcome. Women can choose to attend one or both of the workshops; the content will be similar but not identical. ***

*** NOTE #2: These workshops will be held in lieu of the speaker meetings that usually occur at these time slots due to a lack of volunteer Speakers on this date ***

Saturday, Sept 5, 2020 10am-Noon US/Pacific Time (kl. 19 – 21 svensk tid)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88584846491?pwd=d2FrWUZ2ZmI1Y2FDdDIzMjI3U1NpUT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 885 8484 6491
Zoom Passcode: womenspeak

Saturday, Sept 5, 2020 6-8pm US/Pacific Time (6 sept. kl. 03 – 05 svensk tid)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82078433444?pwd=WGFtNllpSGZRWkNhTERkc0NYUG1rdz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 820 7843 3444
Zoom Passcode: speaker

Additional Questions? 
Contact Tara K. at acawahi@gmail.com, (360) 660-0938 or Alison at phoenixakt@gmail.com.

Fysiskt ACA-konvent i Polen, 4-6 september!

Polish ACA Intergroup invites everyone to join


04-06 September 2020

Kozienice Centre for Recreation and Sport

Poland, 26 – 900 Kozienice, 30 Bohaterów Studzianek Street

The program includes:

  • meetings
  • speakers
  • workshops
  • bonfire
  • time to have fun and relax
  • integration activities
  • coffee meetings
  • a lot of serenity 🙂

The cost of participation: accommodation and board 210zł + accreditation 20zł

– accommodation: 110 PLN (55 PLN per night, one night stay possible);

– boarding: 100 zł (all meals) or 18 zł for a chosen meal;

– accreditation: 20 zł (obligatory fee: ID, printing of materials and brochures, coffee, tea, snacks, bonfire).

Kozienice – a town situated 100 km from the capital city Warsaw, in Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Kozienice County. How to get there? Frequent bus from Warsaw, 1 h 40 min journey or 100 km by car.

Booking: via form on the website dda.org.pl or by mail: zlot@dda.org.pl

Info: zlot@dda.org.pl

Aleksandra K.

Przystan, Kolobrzeg

On behalf of:

Polish ACA Convention Committee


Translation Committee

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Workshop 29/8: ”Crafting a Proposal”

Dear Delegates! 

This year the ABC Ballot Prep Committee will be hosting a workshop on ”Crafting a Proposal”.  Proposals are due by October 31st, 2020.

Workshop Dates:
Tuesday August 18th at 8pm ET
Saturday August 29th at 1pm ET

Zoom Meeting ID:  857 7345 9393    Passcode: 90755  

Please visit the ABC Ballot Prep Committee Service Webpage for additional information.  

In Loving Service,
Cheryl F
Delegate Training Sub-Committee Chair