Internationell enkät om säkerheten på online och telefonmöten!

Dear Fellow Travelers,

We are writing as it is important to hear your concerns and what the ACA World Service Organization (WSO) can do to address virtual and online safety issues. The Ad-hoc Meeting and Service Safety Committee (MSSC) was created from a floor motion at this year’s Annual Business Conference. Our initial purpose is to address safety issues related to virtual meeting environments during the coronavirus pandemic and develop a long-term strategy and potential resources to help the ACA fellowship effectively address other chronic safety issues.

Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey: .

Please note that this survey will close on October 14th so that responses may be used to formulate our first town hall. All are invited to attend on Saturday, October 31, from 12 pm – 2 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The Zoom link for the MSSC Town Hall is:
Meeting ID: 813 5789 7158
Passcode: 336918

These are opportunities for us to hear your concerns, and to share our ongoing efforts. This information is also on our webpage,

Please email us at with your questions and concerns.

Yours in service,
Erin D.

Chair, Ad-hoc Meeting and Service Safety Committee
WSO Board of Trustees