Kategoriarkiv: Europa

Nu kommer ”Den kärleksfulla föräldern – guideboken” för gemenskaperna i Europa!

Den nya boken The ACA Loving Parent Guidebook (Den kärleksfulla föräldern – guideboken) är på väg att tryckas. För första gången någonsin kan gemenskaper i Europa få denna nya spännande litteratur samtidigt som läsare i hela världen!

En specialutgåva av the Loving Parent Guidebook trycks i Europa i Estland.

ACA Sverige kommer kunna köpa the Loving Parent Guidebook (på engelska) för $ 9,80 US $ per bok (lite mer än 8 €), plus frakt från Estland.

Nyheten är att böckerna trycks i Europa, vilket gör frakt snabbare och mycket billigare än från USA. 

Här är en förhandsvisning, med fel datum, augusti inte juni 🙂

Sista beställningsdag är 30 juni för ACA Sverige.

Böcker kommer att sändas ut i början av augusti, mer information kommer!

Bedrägeri gällande att ge pengar till ACA Europeiska Kommittéen

Dear fellows,

it has come to our attention that some of the groups have received an e-mail in which the sender introduces himself as chair of the EC and, as the debate progresses, asks to send money. This is a fraud. Please spread the word to your fellows. The addresses used are taken from the ACA EC website. No personal addresses are given out  by us but if you got your email-address somewhere in the web, you might get these kind of requests. 

Best regards,
ACA European Committee

Chans att göra service på Världskonventet, Europeiska Kommittéen


We in the European Committee are one part of those responsible for the AWC.

We need to identify a couple of people from EC that can participate in the opening and closing.
What is expected you can read about in the attached file HERE

The schedule fort AWC will be up on the webpage,
,latest tomorrow as it looks now.

We are going to do 2 parallel programs. Respectfully submitted
Gratefully serving as the Chair European Committee  Board of Trustee for WSO ec-chair@acawso.org

Kom och gör service på Världskonventets Europa kommitté del 1-2 maj 2021

Dear ACA fellows,

Hope you’ve already heard the good news – this year’s ACA World Convention has been confirmed and it will take place online on the first weekend of May. As the European fellowships are part of the world community we, the ACA European Committee, are invited to share our experience, strength and hope and we need your help to make it happen.

So, we’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in joining us in one of the service roles listed below or you know someone who would be a good fit for it:

  • Workshop leader & speaker (topic to be confirmed)
  • Tech (zoom) assistant
  • Be part of the European Region debate
  • Share you’re countries experience of translating ACA literature

Criteria for speakers:

  • Completed 12th steps in ACA
  • Be knowledgeable in a topic (applicable to region and literature debates only) 

Please email ec-chair@acawso.org if you have any questions or suggestions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Many thanks,
The ACA European Committee members:
Fredrik – Chair
Hasse – Literature Chair
Irma – Service Sponsor Coordinator
Marjo – Webmaster

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Europeiska Kommitténs månadsmöte

Dear Fellows

Due to the Easter Holidays Aprils Monthly Call will take place one week later on the second Saturday of the month:

Please join us on the monthly teleconference
on Saturday April 10th, 14:00 CET on zoom. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

The Agenda will come a bit later.

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Europa komitténs mars möte

Dear fellows,

Please join us on the monthly teleconference
on Saturday March 6, 14:00 CET on zoom. You will find the agenda HERE

Zoom6 ACA WSO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: EC Monthly meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Nyheter från Europa-Kommittén

Listen to the 10 hours of recovery
We’re very delighted to let you know that the recordings from the 6th European annual convention are now available to download for free from our website, just visit https://acawsoec.org to access them. 

We’d also like to thank all of you who attended, supported and helped to make this event happen. According to our systems, throughout the day around 500 fellows from 15 countries joined it.

Carry the message of hope
There are service positions currently available at the committee and we’re looking to fill some of them by the end of this year or earlier. So, if you’d completed the ACA steps, did/are doing the service at the national level and want to further help out the ACA community, we’d like to hear from you.

For detailed information about the service positions and how to apply please contact the Chair of European Committee Fredrick on ec-chair@acawso.org.

Please join us on the monthly teleconference
on every First Saturday of the Month, 14:00 CET (central european time) on zoom. 

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

For more information and additional contacts please visit:


Möte lör 29/11 kl.14 om att bilda en Europa-region som bl.a. gör böcker billigare

Dear fellows,
 On the European Annual Event in October we had a discussion panel about the European Fellowships working towards creating a Region.  We talked about pros and cons about it and all invited guest couldn’t see any cons about it.

The next meeting is scheduled to Saturday the 28th of November at 14:00 CET (Central European Time) I will send out a link for a Zoom meeting for those who want to be on the call, also an agenda.
Welcome to join and ask questions and have discussions.

It would be great to see as many of you as possible.

So please send me an email to ec-chair@acawso.org if you want to be a part of this meeting. Some of you have already said yes.
And in the same week I will send out a link and an agenda to those who have announced their interest.

We will try to keep it to one hour meeting, but I have more time if that is necessary.

Kind regards Fredrik as the Chair for the  European Committeeec-chair@acawso.org