Kategoriarkiv: Aktuellt

Nu på WSO:s hemsida: Addressing Predatory Behavior Tent Card

January 30, 2020
Dear Fellow Traveler,

Based on the motion approved by the ABC in April 2019, the Addressing Predatory Behavior working group is presenting the tent card “ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior” for fellowship review.

This document was developed by the APB working group to provide meetings with a first conference- approved tool to help them address predatory behavior occurring in and around ACA meetings. It was drafted by the working group and then revised based on a fellowship wide group conscience process via Town Hall conference calls in the summer of 2019. In October 2019, the revised document was approved by the ACA WSO Board of Trustees for preliminary publication based on the motion passed by the ABC.

Predatory behavior, as we understand it, occurs when members act out their childhood behavior by becoming victimizers themselves in and around meetings, in interactions with other members of the fellowship. Having learned to detect and take advantage of those who have not yet learned to trust their instincts or set healthy boundaries, they exploit this weakness to solicit emotional gratification, personal or financial favors, and romance or sexual encounters.

We believe that it is our responsibility to keep our meetings safe by openly addressing predatory behavior, should it occur. The ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior was developed as a tent card to serve as a reminder of this, and to offer immediate access to some of the resources that have been already developed within the fellowship and made available by the APB working group on acawso.com.

The ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior can be incorporated into your meeting format in several different ways – as a tent card, it can be placed on a table in the center of the room or in another prominent location where members can read it during the meeting. Some meetings may choose to read it as part of their opening; or to pass it around for members to review while the meeting is in progress.

An electronic version of this document is now available for download at https://adultchildren.org/free-literature-english-translated/. This is a preliminary publication, pending final approval by the ABC. Through November 30, 2020, all members are welcome to submit feedback on the ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior by sending an e-mail to liteval@acawso.org. This feedback may include comments about language; or it may include observations about how you use the document in your meetings and suggestions for additional resources. Once the feedback period has closed, we will review any feedback received and consider it when presenting the document to the ABC 2021 for final approval.

We hope you find this document helpful in keeping your meeting safe for all, particularly newcomers! In service,

Karin S.
Chair, APB working group

Charlie H.,
Chair, ACA WSO Board of Trustees

Rösta kring motioner till Annual Business Conference (Servicekonferens för ACA i världen) i Florida i april.

ACA World Service received 16 Proposals in response to a Request for Proposals that was sent to all groups in August. On behalf of the Fellowship, we wish to thank the submitting groups for their efforts.

These Proposals have been evaluated by WSO (the Board and appropriate Committees) to determine whether the ideas presented have already been implemented, are currently being worked on, and an analysis by WSO with a recommendation as to whether they merit discussion at the ABC.

In preparation for your group’s Ballot discussion, we suggest you download a copy of the Proposals to distribute to your group member located at https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/. Other pertinent information is also available on that website.

After your group’s decisions are made by group conscience, and you are ready to submit their responses, please fill in the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2020_ABC_Ballot

We advise that you not start the survey unless you will have time to complete it in one sitting.

If we can be of assistance, please email the committee at bpc@adultchildren.org.

Please also note that information is available to register for the 2020 ABC as either an on-site Delegate or a remote Delegate at https://www.acaworldconvention.org/
Thank you for your participation in helping to shape the future of ACA.

The ACA WSO 2020 ABC Ballot Prep Committee

Medlemsundersökning från World Service Organisation

Your voice matters!  Members, throughout the ACA Fellowship are asked to participate in the 2019 Membership Survey.  The survey will be open from November 1 to December 31, 2019.  The goal of the survey is to gather data about the fellowship at large and use that information to inform WSO service committees about the needs of the fellowship.  Please share this with other Fellow Travelers; the survey can also be reached from the adultchildren.org website.

ACA Unga vuxna och tonåringar subkommitté

Hi ACA fellow traveler,

ACA WSO Young Adults and Teens Subcommittee (YA&T) is starting up.
We from ACA WSO Young Adults and Teens Subcommittee are a subcommittee designed to help people help each other.
We welcome all ACA young adults, ACA teens, and their facilitators.
We would like to work with members all over the world having, starting or would like to start an ACA Teen and Young Adult meetings.

On our teleconferences and on our acawso Slack channel, members can share information and their experiences with each other.
Our work between monthly meetings is conducted on Slack in our acawso Slack channel #msc_teen_nd_yng_adlt.

Slack is designed to replace email as the primary method of communication and sharing.
Acawso Slack is essentially a huge chats room with many channels for our whole worldwide ACA fellowship.

If you would like to be invited to our acawso Slack channel #msc_teen_nd_yng_adlt,
please write us an email at youngadults.teens@adultchildren.org
so we can send you an invitation for the acawso Slack channel.

We help when possible to bridge the gap for teens as they move through school to adult/college/work life by:
Contacting schools, orphanages, junior colleges for outreach opportunities
Speaking at Mental Health Fairs and with Boards of Supervisors of school districts to provide information about ACA for young adult and teens
Writing articles for the ComLine, as well as announcements for the Traveler geared towards young ACAs.

Want to help ACA Teens and Young Adults have their own meetings?
Do you have an ACA group willing to help facilitate a teen/young adults meeting?

Please join us for the next Young Adults & Teen (YA&T) Subcommittee monthly teleconference call. It will be held on:
Wednesday, October 16, at 8 pm (20:00) Coordinated Universal Time (Abbreviated to UTC)
On our call of October the 16th we have a New York speaker hosting a Teen meeting.

If you would like to be a speaker on our teleconference please write us an email at youngadults.teens@adultchildren.org

We would like to hear from you, we welcome your support.
To join this meeting: https://zoom.us/j/192934184;
Meeting ID: 192 934 184; find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ac3j5Blsoa

For more information about the Young Adults & Teens Subcommittee
please go to: https://acawso.org/category/young-adults or, please write us youngadults.teens@adultchildren.org especially if the teleconference time is not working for your timezone we will try to find a workable solution and will have more teleconference monthly for specific timezones.

ACA WSO Young Adults and Teens Subcommittee