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Det finns flera platser lediga i WSO’s styrelse, och Nomineringskommittén eftersöker nomineringar inför den årliga konferensen 2021 (Annual Business Conference).
Skicka din ansökan till Greg R. på chairnomcom@acawso.org
Information om kvalificering och hur du ansöker hittar du på: https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/
Service on the WSO Board |
The Nominating Committee is committed to strengthening our Board of Trustees by restoring the number of Board members as well as making the Board more representative of our membership. We ask that EVERYONE in ACA accept the challenge to identify those in the fellowship who would make good Trustees – encourage them and challenge them to apply for Board membership. Now, more than ever, we are seeing the power of involvement and engagement. You have the chance to do just that, within ACA, to shape the future direction and scope of activity for your recovery community. The deadline to apply to serve on the ACA Board of Trustees is fast approaching.The Opportunity The Nominating Committee is committed to nominate four new Board members prior to the 2021 ABC. This is to restore the number of Trustees, as well as fill two new positions. Submit nominations that may best represent the breadth of our membership. Three female members left the board in the last year; their departures were not anticipated and they have not yet been replaced. The Board currently comprises nine members, all white. Seven of these Trustees identify as male, six from North America and one from Europe. Two members identify as female from North America. What is Happening Right Now Matters – Right Now! ACA is experiencing significant growth. We continue to develop and need to understand and support our fellowship for the members we are gaining and will attract over the coming years. What is the best part of serving on the Board? Current and former Board members identify the following as the intrinsic rewards of Board service: the ability to be creative, to be challenged, to make life-long friendships, and the honor of service and shaping the future of ACA. Board members also have noted that they have learned much about recovery and the context of and intersection of policy, practice, standards, education, and business, both for organizations and for members. What skill set, qualities and characteristics does the ACA Board need? To create and sustain a positive culture, the Board needs individuals who can engage in issues without taking divergent views personally, and who can work and play well with others. We want to take our work very seriously, but not take ourselves so seriously that we lose the joy and collaborative spirit that reflect the best of the 12 Step tradition. A commitment to high principles of ethical decision making and conduct is important in Board service. We want to ensure we comply with all relevant laws, of course, but we aspire to ethical standards much higher than merely the legal minimum requirement. This includes a focus on transparency, honesty and accountability. Commitment to ACA and personal recovery is, of course, of primary importance. We need individuals who recognize and want to promote the value of ACA and the services we provide to members. Being on the Board is hard work and rewarding. Is now the time for you to take this step in ACA leadership? Nominations are open for four positions to fill a two- year term for the upcoming election (plus up to two additional two-year extensions). As part of the selection process, each candidate must submit application materials and references and will participate in a Zoom interview. The Nominating Committee will submit a slate of qualified nominees to the Board for approval. If this is the right time for you or someone you know, please submit an application to Greg R. at chairnomcom@acawso.org as soon as possible. An application packet is available at https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/. In order to be qualified, you must have five or more years of ACA participation, and it is suggested that you have served on an ACA committee for at least one year and demonstrate a clear and unambiguous commitment to, and identification with, ACA. Completed applications must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by January 15, 2021. Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity! |