Aca Europa kommitténs möte 1 Juli

Dear fellows,

Please join us on the monthly teleconference on Saturday, July 1st at 14:00 CET on zoom. You will find the agenda attached below.
Link to the agenda can be found here.
You can find a document with guidelines for European Committee officers here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number:

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Hope to see you Saturday.

Respectfully submitted

Gratefully serving as the Chair of the European Committee

Förslag på nytt manuskript 7:e traditionen!

The ACA World Service Organization (WSO) Finance Committee has developed a new suggested addition to every ACA Group’s meeting script. We especially encourage online meetings to use this in your script. It includes a pause of one or two minutes for silent meditation and to allow your members time to contribute to your meeting or directly to WSO.

It’s now time for the 7th Tradition – Our group collects 7th tradition contributions to cover our operating expenses and we pass along any excess to the World Service Organization, known as WSO, and (if they exist) to our Intergroup and Region. Our WSO’s essential mission is to carry the ACA message across the world, to different people, cultures, and languages. WSO make it possible for those people who suffer in silence and isolation to find meetings and fellowship.  WSO depends on contributions to produce literature in new languages so Adult Children everywhere can have the chance to recover, as well as maintaining services to the fellowship (websites, staff, print production, etc.). We will now pause the meeting for one (or two) minutes of silent meditation to give everyone the chance to contribute using our __________.  (For in person meetings, replace the previous sentence with:  We will now pass the basket.) Newcomers are encouraged to buy literature or books and are welcome to contribute to the 7th tradition when they are ready. (Add here the information online members need in order to contribute to your Group.)

To contribute directly to WSO:

Thank you for supporting ACA and the World Service Organization! Contribute only what you can afford. All amounts, no matter the size, are important to our tradition of self-support through our own contributions and to your own recovery.

You may also find the contents of this email and the suggested 7th Tradition language at

ACA Europa månadsmöte – 3:e juni

Dear fellows,

Please join us on the monthly teleconference on Saturday,  June 3rd 14:00 CET on zoom. You will find the agenda attached below.
Link to the agenda can be found here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number:

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Hope to see you Saturday.

Respectfully submitted

Gratefully serving as the Chair of the European Committee

Konvent för Aca Europa 2023!

Dear European fellowships,

We, ACAs serving in the European committee of WSO, are actively looking at the possibilities to bring on the European Annual ACA event for 2023. One of the intergroups has expressed preliminary interest. We would like to call on all intergroups interested in hosting and cooperating on this to reach out to us at , we will discuss the event and its hosting opportunities on the June European Teleconference at June 3rd, 14:00 CET. 

In thankful service to Europe,
Edmundas V.
Chair of European Committee

Riksmöte och SK våren 2023

Påminnelser och mer information:

Varmt välkomna till Riksmötet och Servicekonferensen i Malmö.

19 och 20 maj 2023.
Tema: ACA – en kärleksfull lösning.
Viktig information om middagen på lördagen
Vi kommer att servera middag på lördagskvällen till en kostnad av 100kr.
Det går att välja mellan vegansk och oxkött. Det ingår även sallad och hembakt bröd.
Meddela vilken lasagne ni vill ha och ev. matallergier.
Föranmälan krävs till: senast 9 Maj.
Obs! Det kommer även finnas café med försäljning på plats.
Vi har ännu endast 10 st anmälda till middagen. Tänk på att den behöver förbokas
Konventavgift: 100 kr per person.
(För de som inte har möjlighet är det givetvis gratis, registrering kan ske på plats)
Förregistrering: 100 kr för konventavgift. 200 kr inklusive middag:
(skriv som meddelande Konventavgift om det gäller registrering, konventavgift mat om det gäller både mat och registrering.
BETALA MED SWISH TILL: 0707-26 64 61


Vi söker efter servicevilliga.

Intresserad av att göra service? Anmäl ert intresse och vilken dag ni kan tänka er:
Vi kommer att sälja nallebjörnar, dessa har nyss börjat säljas på Vi har kunnat
beställa hem med text på Svenska. Se :

Konventkommittén rekommenderar kärleksfullt och bestämt att barn, 0 till 18 år, inte följer
med in på möten och workshops.

Mer information kommer fortlöpande att skickas ut!
Välkomna till detta ACA – evenemang.
/Servicekommittén för Riksmötet i Malmö våren 2023