Kategoriarkiv: WSO/ABC

Online torgmöten inför ACA’s 2021 års Världskonferens (ABC)

Torgmöten kommer hållas online för att ge mer information om de 18 förslag som ligger inför årets omröstning i ABC.

Inför ABC kan grupper, intergrupper och regioner ta ställning till om förslagen ska diskuteras under ABC eller inte. Mellan den 15 februari och den 31 mars kan alla grupper, intergrupper och regioner rösta på förslagen.

Torgmötena hålls på följande datum:

  1. Söndag, 24 januari, kl. 19 vår tid (1 pm ET)
  2. Måndag, 1 februari kl 18 vår tid (Noon ET)
  3. Lördag, 6 februari, kl 20 vår tid (2 pm ET)

Varje möte går igenom sex förslag.

Mer information hittar du här: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/ to Zoom mötesinformation hittar du här: https://acawso.org/events/

Motions förslag för ACA Världens Framtid

Förslagen till motioner att diskutera och rösta på i grupperna och efter gruppernas urval att senare rösta på på världspraktiskamötet ABC i april finns nu med annan intressant information här: https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/.

Till hjälp i diskussionerna i grupperna kring motionsförslagen kommer 3 Torgmöten hållas de kommande veckorna där motionsförslagsgivarna får en chans att informera mer. 6 motionsförslag kommer presenteras på varje torgmöte och det kommer finnas chans att ställa frågor. Inspelningar från torgmötena kommer finnas tillgängliga på länken ovan.

Om du behöver hjälp, maila Motionsförberedelse kommittéen/The ABC Ballot Preparation Committee på: bpc@adultchildren.org.
Tack för att du hjälper till att forma ACAs framtid!

The ABC Ballot Preparation Committee

Välkommen att ansöka om en plats i WSO’s styrelse, senast 15/1

Du är välkommen att läsa Nomineringskommitténs brev här nedanför!

Det finns flera platser lediga i WSO’s styrelse, och Nomineringskommittén eftersöker nomineringar inför den årliga konferensen 2021 (Annual Business Conference).

Skicka din ansökan till Greg R. på chairnomcom@acawso.org

Information om kvalificering och hur du ansöker hittar du på: https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/

Service on the WSO Board
The Nominating Committee is committed to strengthening our Board of Trustees by restoring the number of Board members as well as making the Board more representative of our membership.
We ask that EVERYONE in ACA accept the challenge to identify those in the fellowship who would make good Trustees – encourage them and challenge them to apply for Board membership.
Now, more than ever, we are seeing the power of involvement and engagement.
You have the chance to do just that, within ACA, to shape the future direction and scope of activity for your recovery community. The deadline to apply to serve on the ACA Board of Trustees is fast approaching.The Opportunity
The Nominating Committee is committed to nominate four new Board members prior to the 2021 ABC. This is to restore the number of Trustees, as well as fill two new positions.
Submit nominations that may best represent the breadth of our membership. Three female members left the board in the last year; their departures were not anticipated and they have not yet been replaced. The Board currently comprises nine members, all white. Seven of these Trustees identify as male, six from North America and one from Europe. Two members identify as female from North America.
What is Happening Right Now Matters – Right Now!
ACA is experiencing significant growth. We continue to develop and need to understand and support our fellowship for the members we are gaining and will attract over the coming years.
What is the best part of serving on the Board?
Current and former Board members identify the following as the intrinsic rewards of Board service: the ability to be creative, to be challenged, to make life-long friendships, and the honor of service and shaping the future of ACA. Board members also have noted that they have learned much about recovery and the context of and intersection of policy, practice, standards, education, and business, both for organizations and for members.
What skill set, qualities and characteristics does the ACA Board need? 
To create and sustain a positive culture, the Board needs individuals who can engage in issues without taking divergent views personally, and who can work and play well with others. We want to take our work very seriously, but not take ourselves so seriously that we lose the joy and collaborative spirit that reflect the best of the 12 Step tradition.
A commitment to high principles of ethical decision making and conduct is important in Board service. We want to ensure we comply with all relevant laws, of course, but we aspire to ethical standards much higher than merely the legal minimum requirement. This includes a focus on transparency, honesty and accountability.
Commitment to ACA and personal recovery is, of course, of primary importance. We need individuals who recognize and want to promote the value of ACA and the services we provide to members. 
Being on the Board is hard work and rewarding. Is now the time for you to take this step in ACA leadership? Nominations are open for four positions to fill a two- year term for the upcoming election (plus up to two additional two-year extensions). As part of the selection process, each candidate must submit application materials and references and will participate in a Zoom interview. The Nominating Committee will submit a slate of qualified nominees to the Board for approval.
If this is the right time for you or someone you know, please submit an application to Greg R. at chairnomcom@acawso.org  as soon as possible. An application packet is available at https://acawso.org/category/nominating-committee/. In order to be qualified, you must have five or more years of ACA participation, and it is suggested that you have served on an ACA committee for at least one year and demonstrate a clear and unambiguous commitment to, and identification with, ACA. 
Completed applications must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by January 15, 2021.
Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity!

Workshop 29/8: ”Crafting a Proposal”

Dear Delegates! 

This year the ABC Ballot Prep Committee will be hosting a workshop on ”Crafting a Proposal”.  Proposals are due by October 31st, 2020.

Workshop Dates:
Tuesday August 18th at 8pm ET
Saturday August 29th at 1pm ET

Zoom Meeting ID:  857 7345 9393    Passcode: 90755  

Please visit the ABC Ballot Prep Committee Service Webpage for additional information.  

In Loving Service,
Cheryl F
Delegate Training Sub-Committee Chair

Registreringen för ABC/AWC i Florida i april är öppen.

Registration is NOW Open!!

Annual Business Conference
April 23 & 24, 2020

ACA World Convention
April 24 (evening), 25 & 26, 2020

The 2020 ABC/AWC will be held at the Renaissance Marriott in Boca Raton, Florida.  You can register for the convention, book a room and purchase meals from the  Convention Website.  The prices for meals and registration will increase as we get closer to the convention.  Registering early will not only save you money, but will also help WSO and the Local Host Committee out tremendously with the planning process.  We can’t wait to see you in Boca Raton!

Vote on the 2020 ABC Ballot Proposals by March 31st.
On January 15th, meetings, Intergroups, and Regions worldwide were sent a mailing with information about the ABC Ballot. This is your group’s opportunity to vote on whether or not you believe the submitted Proposals that will be included merit discussion at the upcoming Annual Business Conference. More information will also be available at that time on the ABC Ballot Prep Committee page of the acawso.org website. Any questions may be emailed to bpc@adultchildren.org.

Each Meeting and Intergroup Designates a Delegate
All Delegates, whether in attendance or remote, must register first at acaworldconvention.org.

The business of the WSO is conducted at the ABC primarily by the Delegates, who are chosen by their group to be their representative. Some information about becoming a Delegate – the role and responsibilities – may be found on the  Delegate Training Page. This page will be updated periodically, so refer back, as needed.

ABC Offers Remote Voting
Prior to the 2019 ABC, the only Delegates who were able to participate and vote at the Annual Business Conference were those who could afford the time and expense of physically attending. Once again, this April, Delegates directly representing a meeting or Intergroup will be able to have a voice, and a vote, on the matters brought before the conference.

Trainings, and opportunities for questions and answers, will be available in the weeks leading up to the ABC. As mentioned above, all delegates may find pertinent information on the Delegate Training Page.

Rösta kring motioner till Annual Business Conference (Servicekonferens för ACA i världen) i Florida i april.

ACA World Service received 16 Proposals in response to a Request for Proposals that was sent to all groups in August. On behalf of the Fellowship, we wish to thank the submitting groups for their efforts.

These Proposals have been evaluated by WSO (the Board and appropriate Committees) to determine whether the ideas presented have already been implemented, are currently being worked on, and an analysis by WSO with a recommendation as to whether they merit discussion at the ABC.

In preparation for your group’s Ballot discussion, we suggest you download a copy of the Proposals to distribute to your group member located at https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/. Other pertinent information is also available on that website.

After your group’s decisions are made by group conscience, and you are ready to submit their responses, please fill in the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2020_ABC_Ballot

We advise that you not start the survey unless you will have time to complete it in one sitting.

If we can be of assistance, please email the committee at bpc@adultchildren.org.

Please also note that information is available to register for the 2020 ABC as either an on-site Delegate or a remote Delegate at https://www.acaworldconvention.org/
Thank you for your participation in helping to shape the future of ACA.

The ACA WSO 2020 ABC Ballot Prep Committee

Medlemsundersökning från World Service Organisation

Your voice matters!  Members, throughout the ACA Fellowship are asked to participate in the 2019 Membership Survey.  The survey will be open from November 1 to December 31, 2019.  The goal of the survey is to gather data about the fellowship at large and use that information to inform WSO service committees about the needs of the fellowship.  Please share this with other Fellow Travelers; the survey can also be reached from the adultchildren.org website.

Inför Annual Business Conference 2020 – motioner, röstning och rollen som delegat.

Ballot Proposals, Voting, and the Delegate Role

Dear Fellow ACA,

Each April, the ACA World Service Organization (WSO) holds an Annual Business Conference (ABC).  In anticipation of this event, all registered groups within the fellowship have the opportunity to create proposals of global interest that may then be considered for inclusion on the ABC Agenda. All pertinent information is being mailed to group contacts, as well as being posted on the Ballot Prep Committee page and in the WSO publications. If your group has not yet received this Call for Proposals, you may request it at BPC@adultchildren.org.

Mark your calendars

  • August 2019: Call for Proposals OPENED– groups can submit proposals for potential inclusion on the agenda at the ABC.
  • Register to be a Delegate at www.acaworldconvention.org
  • November 30, 2019: Call for Proposals CLOSES
  • January 2020: Discuss how your group would like to meet to discuss and vote on the proposals (see suggestions below)
  • January 15, 2020: A Ballot containing Proposals is sent to each group for review and voting on whether or not they should be discussed and voted on at the ABC.
  • March 31, 2020: Deadline for voting (Ballots must be submitted to WSO)

If your group does not have a delegate, you are encouraged to explore this role by visiting this link.  Otherwise, the Group Secretary may assist.

The Proposal Process
If a member or members of your group express interest in submitting a proposal for the ABC, you can assist in crafting a proposal. You may begin by reviewing the proposal guidelines.

The Ballot Process
Before the Ballots are sent in January, discuss with your group how best to address them. Ballots are sent to the group contact listed with WSO. If you are not the contact person enquire as to whether or not they have been received.

Discussing and voting on ALL the proposals could take a lot of time. Although we would prefer to encourage all proposals be considered, should your group find discussion and voting too cumbersome they may choose to prioritize the Proposals, addressing their most important, first.

Here are some suggested strategies for managing the group voting process:

  • Set aside time to discuss a few proposals during or after the meeting each week
  • Use business meetings: Set an agenda item “Proposal Voting”
  • Organize an additional meeting: Agree upon a separate time (and possibly place) for interested members to address the proposals.

The Agenda Items
The Proposals that merit a place on the ABC agenda will be announced by mid-April. You may want to review those proposals with your group to ensure you are voting your group’s conscience. Keep in mind additional information may be presented at the conference which your group has not discussed. Your role is to vote for the good of ACA as a whole.

Then, during the ABC, discuss and vote on the proposals, either in person or remote voting.

After The ABC
Report to your group the results of the conference voting and your impressions of the experience. This may be a written or oral report, depending on your group’s decision.

Please note:
Teleconference trainings on the Delegate role are offered in the month prior to the ABC. All registered delegates will receive notification of trainings; the schedule will be posted in March on the host website www.acaworldconvention.org.

Questions regarding proposals may be directed to the Ballot Prep Committee at bpc@adultchildren.org

Questions concerning Delegates may be directed to the Delegate Training Subcommittee at dtsc@acawso.org.

There is also a FAQ page on the delegate role at:  https://acawso.org/2018/10/31/delegate-training-faq/.

In service,
Chris W.
DTSC Chair

Motioner till ACA Världskonferens, ABC 2020, senast 30 november

Each year the ACA WSO holds our Annual Business Conference (ABC) and ACA World Convention (AWC) in April. This coming year they will be held April 23-26, 2020 in Boca Raton, Florida.

If your group has an idea that may benefit ACA Worldwide, you can submit it as a proposal for potential inclusion on the agenda at the ABC.  All proposals will become part of a Ballot in January.

The specific process and timing are as follows:
If your group feels it may have a proposal to submit, your first step should be to go to this website page – https://acawso.org/category/ballot-prep/ – to find these documents:

  1. “Is it a Proposal or should it go to a Committee” – provides contact Information about WSO Committees.
  2. “Proposal Guidelines” – provides guidance about what makes a good proposal and it will also help you determine whether your idea should be submitted as a proposal, or if instead it can be submitted to a WSO Committee.
  3. “Crafting a Proposal” – provides information about how to best create a proposal.

When you’re ready to submit your proposal to be considered for the ABC agenda do the following:

After you have completed these tasks, the following happens:

  • Proposals are reviewed by the appropriate committee(s) and trusted servants and, if needed, the intent clarified with the submitting group.
  • After a WSO analysis of the proposal has been added, the proposal is added to the Ballot and sent to all registered groups by January 15, 2020.
  • Ballots must be returned to WSO no later than March 31, 2020.
  • Proposals that receive at least a 60% affirmative vote will then be placed on the agenda for consideration at the 2020 ABC.

If you have any questions about this proposal process, (or need assistance drafting a proposal) please send an email to bpc@adultchildren.org.

Yours in Service,

The 2020 Ballot Preparation Committee

ACA Europe changes & call for service – July 6th Teleconference #1

Dear European ACA fellows!

ACA Europe is going through changes and expanding, and the current European Committee is rotating out.

You will find a Call for Service attached, which was written by the Temporary Organising Committee, formed from the European Teleconference Calls, also working on an outline of transition.

We hope some of you will consider stepping up to do service that can benefit our European ACA community.

Please distribute the Call to Service widely by hardcopy, mail, and at service- and regular meetings.

Our intention is to have a transparent, inclusive, and open proces, to secure we develop an enhanced service structure to benefit us all, and have a new European Committee in place latest by April 2020 (the ABC in Florida).

We hope you join the ACA EC teleconference calls and to see you in Minsk in July.

Information at: www.acawsoec.com

Contact: eu@acawso.comeu-secretary@adultchildren.org or eu-finance@acawso.com

In loving service,

The Temporary Organizing Committee for the ACA Europe Service Structure

Majbrit (WSO rep., current ACA EC Chair), Charlie H. (WSO rep., WSO Chair), Fredrik (rep. Sweden), Marc G. H. (rep. The Netherlands and Belgium), Veronica (rep. Switzerland), and Mikkel L. (rep. Denmark)