Kategoriarkiv: WSO/ABC

Februari tredje Quarterly Delegate Meeting Aca

February 3rd QDM

Dear ACA Groups and Delegates,

There is still time for New Delegates and Observers to register for our upcoming Quarterly Delegate Meeting (QDM), scheduled for February from 9am to 1pm Eastern US Time.  

Registration for delegates closes January 27th.

Existing Delegates who registered for the 2023 ABC and the 2023 QDMs and plan to attend this QDM do not have to re-register.

To register as a new Delegate or Observer, go to the conference page at, www.adultchildren.org/conference.  

You will find three different registration forms.

  • One for observers – any ACA member may observe.
  • One for those who are registered from the ABC and want to change their registration.  
  • One for new Delegate registrants.

Delegates are elected representatives of WSO groups, i.e., registered meetings, InterGroups or Regions. An individual may only represent one group at the conference.

The Agenda for the Feb.3 QDM can be found at www.adultchildren.org/conference/agenda, as well as on the 2023-2024_registered_delegates WSO Slack channel. Links to documents will be embedded in the Agenda, which will be updated on the website copy as they become available. The Agenda is based on the direction of the 2023 ABC, the 2023  QDMs and your voices expressed in their follow-up Surveys.

If you are able to volunteer for a service role at the QDM, please message Edmundas V. on Slack or send an email to abc@adultchildren.org to find out more.

Thank you to each of our volunteers for making this all happen and helping us all to connect in service for ACA.

In Service,

The ABC Committee

Carmen B., Edmundas V., and Marcus H., Committee Co-Chairs


Inbjudan att hålla öppet onlinemöte under Aca’s årliga världskonvent

Dear Fellow Travellers, I would like to extend an invitation to your local ACA communities to consider holding an online open ACA meeting in a language other than English at the Annual World Convention 2023 (Friday November 17 until Saturday November 18 Eastern Time).

If you are interested, please submit your application for a 90 minutes open ACA meeting (topic of your choice) by Monday November 11, 2023.
Direct access to the application form:

Take a look on the Convention program and see where open ACA meetings can be scheduled https://adultchildren.org/2023-awc/
We are waiting for your applications until November 11th.
If you have questions please email the AWC Planning team at 

In thankful service,
Edmundas V.,

serving as the Chair of European Committee


Registrering ABC QDM öppen

Registration for the November 4th QDM is now OPEN

Dear ACA Groups and Delegates,

We are happy to announce that the registration for our next Quarterly Delegate Meeting (QDM), scheduled for November 4th, 2023, is now open at the conference page, www.adultchildren.org/conference.  This registration is for both new Delegates and Observers:

There will be three different registration forms.

  • One is for observers, any member may observe.
  • One is for those that are registered from the ABC and want to change their registration.  
  • One is for new Delegate registrants.

Delegates are representatives of WSO registered meetings, InterGroups or Regions. An individual may only register to represent one group at the conference.

Existing Delegates who plan to attend do not have to re-register.

The QDM agenda will be based on the direction of the 2023 ABC, the August 5 QDM and your voices expressed in their Surveys. This agenda will be posted on www.adultchildren.org/conference

If you are able to volunteer for a service role at the QDM, please message Edmundas V. on Slack or send an email to abc@adultchildren.org.

Thank you to each volunteer for making it all happen and let us all connect in service for ACA.

In Service,

The ABC Committee

Carmen B., Edmundas V., and Marcus H., Committee Co-Chairs

Öppet Litteratur policy möte

Open Literature Policy Meeting
To our ACA Members:
You are invited to a second conversation about the wording of the ACA Open Literature Policy. This date and time were set to work for our worldwide members in different time zones: Saturday October 28, 9pm ET

Examples of world time zones:
GMT + 7–11am Sunday, Thailand time
GMT + 11 noon Sunday, Australia time
GMT + 13 2pm Sunday, New Zealand time

Zoom: 856 5245 7314Passcode: 876816

First, I would like to reassure you there is no plan to abandon the open literature policy. Any information you may have received to the contrary is not true. There is no poll and we are not taking a vote. There would never be any changes to the open literature policy without the fellowship’s agreement and there is nothing proposed.

Concept VI states that “our Annual Business Conference with delegates from all our meetings, intergroups and regions have the final decision respecting large matters of general policy…”

Again, the purpose of this meeting is NOT to get rid of the ACA Open Literature policy.The purpose is to review the language that is in the BRB (p 612) and the Literature Policy trifold (https://adultchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/Literature/Literature_Policy_EN_US_A4.pdf) to see if it should be updated or improved.

We thought of some questions for your feedback, and you may have others. That is the purpose—to have a conversation about what works and what doesn’t.

Here are a few of the questions we are looking at:
1. The trifold says outside literature should “support the growth of ACA and promote unity and consistency of our Twelve Step message” Should the “message” be more in line with The Solution, including reparenting?
2. The BRB p 612 says outside literature should not contradict “Sponsorship?” ShouldSponsorship be removed and just keep the Laundry List and the Solution?
3. Should we consider language more like “promote ACA recovery” without referring toparticular documents?
4. What does it mean to “promote an author?” Doesn’t every book promote an author?

If you can’t attend and wish to offer your views, you can email me. At litchair@acawso.org.

I have assembled all comments I have received and will forward to the committee.

A few important notes:
We heard that many of you benefit from using “A New Hope.” It has completed the Literature Review step and has been approved for the Fellowship Review step in the process of obtaining Conference Approval. So, it is in the process of becoming ACA literature!

Also, many of you referred to Tony A’s steps. ACA is prohibited from using the exact language in those steps by the copyright owner, who has threatened to sue. However, we been working for over a year to create a new set or sets of ACA Steps that are gentle, loving, and in line with ACA recovery. We will be sending out 7 sets of steps soon in a survey for you to rank.

Our effort is to determine if the language in the policy needs to be more definitive and more inclusive, loving, etc. Any information circulated indicating an attempt to abandon the policy is totally wrong and in no way ever reflected our intentions. The current intent, with your help, is to make this policy clearer.

Our committees and subcommittees are open to volunteers. We welcome your participation.

We encourage all our groups to register a delegate to be involved withdecisions affecting our fellowship.
Please click on https://adultchildren.org/conference/.

With love in service,
Christine B
Literature Chair, litchair@acawso.org

Förslag på nytt manuskript 7:e traditionen!

The ACA World Service Organization (WSO) Finance Committee has developed a new suggested addition to every ACA Group’s meeting script. We especially encourage online meetings to use this in your script. It includes a pause of one or two minutes for silent meditation and to allow your members time to contribute to your meeting or directly to WSO.

It’s now time for the 7th Tradition – Our group collects 7th tradition contributions to cover our operating expenses and we pass along any excess to the World Service Organization, known as WSO, and (if they exist) to our Intergroup and Region. Our WSO’s essential mission is to carry the ACA message across the world, to different people, cultures, and languages. WSO make it possible for those people who suffer in silence and isolation to find meetings and fellowship.  WSO depends on contributions to produce literature in new languages so Adult Children everywhere can have the chance to recover, as well as maintaining services to the fellowship (websites, staff, print production, etc.). We will now pause the meeting for one (or two) minutes of silent meditation to give everyone the chance to contribute using our __________.  (For in person meetings, replace the previous sentence with:  We will now pass the basket.) Newcomers are encouraged to buy literature or books and are welcome to contribute to the 7th tradition when they are ready. (Add here the information online members need in order to contribute to your Group.)

To contribute directly to WSO:

Thank you for supporting ACA and the World Service Organization! Contribute only what you can afford. All amounts, no matter the size, are important to our tradition of self-support through our own contributions and to your own recovery.

You may also find the contents of this email and the suggested 7th Tradition language at https://adultchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Suggested-New-Meeting-Script-for-the-7th-Tradition.pdf

30 April sista dag för ABC Delegat Registrering! 

Hello Member Meetings, Intergroups and Regions,
Please note: April 30 is the last day for Delegate Registration to the May 6 & 7 Annual Business Conference (ABC).  Even if your group has a Delegate registered from the 2022 ABC or if your group has or will elect a Delegate this year they need to be registered by going to The Conference Page at https://adultchildren.org/conference/ or by using the direct registration link here.
Delegates from 2022 ABC whose term is still active need to re-register/register for the 2023 ABC.
We, the ABC Committee co-chairs, are excited to inform you that the draft Delegate Binder, including a draft of the ABC Agenda (also attached to this email), is now available on the conference web-page at https://adultchildren.org/conference/

This web-page is where information for the 2023 Annual Business Conference (ABC) will be posted.  The Binder is a living document which will contain the information necessary to support delegates in their service and which is useful to all members. It includes the agenda, yearly reports and upcoming motions the ABC will discuss and vote on. The Binder is complete with the exception of some documents that are not yet in. Those are noted in the Table of Contents with ”Coming Soon” and will be added to the living document as they arrive.

Some documents may be posted in their draft form. This will be noted and they are subject to change. We wanted to get the information out to everyone as soon as possible and add/update documents as they come in. WSO Committee reports will not be read during the ABC to conserve valuable time for discussion.
Below are some sections which contain items that will be discussed and voted on at the ABC :

  • The ABC/AWC Study Group Report – please note the Motion on page 51
  • The Concepts Study Group Report – please note the Motion in Item 6 at the top of page 62
  • The Minutes of the 2022 ABC and the Quarterly Delegate Meetings with links on page 36

Thank you for providing Delegates and Ballot Proposal votes which enable us all, as ACA, to have a true fellowship-wide group conscience!
Together we can do…

in ACA service,
Marcus H, ABC Committee Co-coordinator
Edmundas, ABC Committee Co-coordinator

Världspraktiskt möte 6-7 maj, kom med!

The 2023 ABC Is Coming! Please Join Us May 6-7
Dear ACA delegates and observers,
Thank you for your service to the ACA fellowship over the past year. Because of your commitment, we now have a year-round Conference that is providing invaluable guidance to the ACA World Service Organization. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.
The 2023 Annual Business Conference (ABC) will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7, from 9 am to about 4:30 pm eastern US. Please note of the important notes and info for the delegates in this letter.
All delegates must be selected by a registered ACA group, intergroup, or region. Even if you attended the 2022 delegate meetings, please contact your group and let them know that they must appoint you or another member to represent them at this year’s ABC. First-time delegates also must be selected by a registered ACA group, intergroup, or region. 
All delegates must submit a new online registration no later than April 30. All new and returning delegates must register for the 2023 meetings at https://adultchildren.org/conference. Registrations for prior delegate meetings will not be valid.

Non-Delegates may listen to the ABC as observers and may register at any time. Information is available at https://adultchildren.org/conference

Please volunteer to serve. The Annual Business Conference and quarterly meetings belong to the delegates. All delegates and observers are invited to consider volunteering for service at the ABC, QDM or on the ABC AWC committee, which supports the ABC. We currently need volunteers at the ABC, roles include meeting timer, tech support, information assistant. Experienced volunteers are sought to serve as a Conference chair or parliamentarian. To volunteer for the ABC, please email abc@adultchildren.org, attend an ABC planning meeting and/or attend one of the training sessions listed below. 

Stay informed. You will get regular updates by email, on Slack delegate channel, and the https://adultchildren.org/conference website. 

Delegate trainings. Training sessions are available April 15 and April 29. Regardless of your time zone, you can get a preview the 2023 ABC agenda and process learn about volunteer opportunities at the 2023 ABC, and in the ACA World Service Organization, See the schedule below my signature. If you can’t attend, recordings will be posted on the website. The information for joining the training sessions will be posted on the conference website.
Thank you again for your participation. The essence of ACA service is that we all work on behalf of the ACA fellowship, as entrusted by ACA groups, intergroups, and regions. The Conference is the voice of the fellowship and guides WSO on broad policy matters. Your work is making this spiritual vision a reality.
Please join us on May 6 and 7 at the ABC. Your voice ensures our world fellowship will flourish and be sustainable. We look forward to serving you and seeing you soon on ABC and joining us in service together,
Charlie H.
Delegate Training Subcommittee chair
Edmundas V. and Marcus H.
Co-chairs of ABC/QDM committee.
Delegate Training Schedule
Introduction to ABC and WSO Volunteer Service: Saturday, April 15, 9 am and 9 pm eastern US (2 sessions)

Learn how you can help ensure a smooth Business Conference in which all delegates are heard with respect. The program will describe ABC trusted-servant positions and introduce you to year-round service opportunities in the Conference and in ACA World Service. This includes the ABC AWC Committee, which supports delegate meetings.

Annual Business Conference Preview, April 29, 9 am and 9 pm eastern US (2 sessions)

Get a preview of the upcoming ABC. What are the ballot proposals and other big issues? What will be asked of you as a delegate? How do the voting and discussion procedures work? Who are the trusted servants guiding the conference, and how might you assist? How do Election Buddy and Slack work? In addition to the training, you can meet one or more board members and delegates from across the world. You will get a personal delegate link for joining us on Zoom before the ABC.