Kategoriarkiv: Nyhetsbrev

Honoring ACA’s Birthday Together

Honoring ACA’s Birthday Together

Dear Fellow Traveler,
In January we celebrate ACA’s 47th Birthday, honoring the community that has helped so many of us on the path to recovery. It’s a moment to reflect on the shared journey we’ve taken together—a journey of healing, growth, and connection.
As we mark this annual occasion, we’re reminded of the countless lives that have been touched by ACA’s message. For many, this community has been a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration.
While traditional therapy often comes at a significant cost, ACA offers a unique community and tools for healing without financial barriers. This vital work, however, depends on the ongoing generosity of our members.
If ACA has been a meaningful part of your journey, we invite you to join us in honoring this tradition by considering a contribution. Every gift, no matter the size, helps ensure ACA’s programs and resources remain accessible to all who seek recovery.
Make Your Gift Today

Whether or not you choose to give, we are grateful for your presence in this community. Together, we continue to light the way for those who are just beginning their journey.
With gratitude,
Your ACAWSO Team
P.S. Contributions to ACA help us provide critical resources and support for adult children worldwide. If you feel inspired, we’d be honored by your support.

Veckomail från Europakommittén

Dear European ACA fellowships,

I want to confirm the great news that in the upcoming European Committee Teleconference we will have a Broad discussion with some of ACA Trustees and the Chair of Safety resources committee on our usual October 5th meeting! So everybody from ACA is invited there and the zoom codes are the usual ones for EC teleconferences 🙂 See agenda in a separate email 🙂

Also, volunteers in Europe are called and  needed to join the planning committee for the 2025 Annual World Convention (AWC)! The AWC planning committee is looking to find service members across various time zones to plan and coordinate our annual virtual convention. 

Here are some ways you can get involved in helping make the AWC a reality! You can choose what resonates with you:

– Review workshop submissions and interview potential presenters
– Assist the communications team in spreading the word about the Convention
– Answer questions from the fellowship as an AWC email monitor
– Support presenters before and during the event

To volunteer, please fill in the registration form.
Questions? Email us at awc@acawso.org

Third, something being discussed at the European Committee level is how to help new recovery meetings and foster growth of new IGs. We would love to see the community grow and as the European Committee itself is growing in service  I wonder from time to time how it FEELS like for Intergroups  – are you able to stay ahead of the challenges you are facing and are able to resolve them successfully? I would love to read your feedback if you would reply to this email 🙂   

Something crazy and related that I thought about as I write this – forming a sharing space / a meeting of mental and emotional recovery for all the chairs of Intergroups in Europe and I think to myself wow as I write this.- would be glad to hear any echos and feedback from you guys if that idea is something that you would participate in 🙂 

With this email please find the minutes of the previous (September) Teleconference where we had an interesting discussion about fear in service 🙂 (link to september EC TC minutes)

In loving service,


If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, please consider joining the European Committee. We are looking for more people to join us. Please email us at: ec-webservant@acawso.org

Meddelande till samtliga grupper Meddelande till samtliga ACA – grupper i Sverige

Vi hoppas att ni vill sprida detta meddelande vid alla möten under perioden fram till höstens SK. 

Stegen / Traditionerna / SERVICE Att göra service är en av hörnstenarna i tillfrisknandet. Välkommen som ny medlem i Servicegruppen (SG) för ACA. 

Vi vill med detta korta meddelande uppmana alla som har gjort de 12 stegen och som sponsrar programmet och kanske även varit GSR / Kassör i en grupp att överväga möjligheten att göra service som medlem i SG, som arbetar ideellt för alla gruppers välmående. Vi i SG finner stor glädje att ge tillbaka det vi själva har fått genom att andra medlemmar har gjort denna service före oss. Just nu har vi flera vice poster lediga. Det ger en möjlighet att i lugn takt gå bredvid och lära sig av en ordinarie innan denne roterar ut. Just nu söker vi: 

Servicepost Uppgifter som ordinarie Tidsåtgång Tidsåtgång KvalifikationerVice ordinarie 
Vice ordförande Firmatecknare, Håller i SG möten och SK* Leda arbetet på tillfrisknat och konstruktivt sätt5 h/mån. 8 h/mån. Arbetshelg Arbetshelg 1-2 ggr/år 1-2 ggr/årErfarenhet av förening eller annat styrelseuppdrag
Vice kassör Rapportera, hantera in- och utbetalningar. Firmatecknare3 h / mån 6 h / mån Arbetshelg Arbetshelg 1- 2 ggr/ 1- 2 ggr / år årErfarenhet av enklare bokföring
Vice sekreterare Kallelser, dagordningar protokoll SG och SK*3 h / mån 6 h / mån Arbetshelg Arbetshelg 1- 2 ggr/ 1- 2 ggr / år årErfarenhet av Google Documents
Vice kommunikationsansvarigMail, telefon och information 4 h / mån 6 h / mån Arbetshelg Arbetshelg 1- 2 ggr/ 1- 2 ggr / år årMailkunskaper

* SK, Servicekonferens som sker 2 ggr per år 

Anmäl ditt intresse via denna QR:kod eller via länken nedan, så kontaktar vi dig; 


The Call for Proposals

August 6, 2024

Every year the Ballot Preparation Committee (BPC) solicits input from the ACA fellowship on topics and ideas for possible inclusion on the ABC agenda. Registered ACA meetings, Intergroups, and Regions have the opportunity, through their group conscience, to offer proposals that may benefit the groups and members, worldwide.

If your group has an idea to benefit ACA worldwide, they may submit it  via a submission form that can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2025ABCProposals. The BPC reviews each submitted proposal to ensure it is consistent with the Proposal Guidelines document (click HERE to open), and is within the spirit of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. All proposals accepted upon review will be included on this year’s Ballot, which will be published in January 2025. Registered ACA groups worldwide will be invited to vote on the Proposals starting in February. Ballot voting results will help set the agenda of the Annual Business Conference (ABC). 

Sometimes a proposal would be better directed toward a specific WSO Committee. We urge your group to reach out to the committee best suited to implement your proposal. It’s an ideal way to learn more about their work and to even find a place to do service – and they may already have a similar project underway. A list of committees can be found on the WSO Service website – https://acawso.org/.

On occasion, the BPC may recognize strong similarities between individual Proposals and may suggest to the submitting groups that they combine these Proposals in order to consolidate the Ballot or expedite the ABC proceedings.

In the past the BPC has offered ‘Crafting A Proposal’ workshops to assist groups in fashioning a clear and compelling Proposal. We are unsure at this time whether a workshop will be offered this season. If a workshop is scheduled, all groups will be notified. A recording of a previous Proposal workshop may be found by clicking here.  If any groups would like help crafting a proposal, please send an email to bpc@adultchildren.org

Proposal process details, and a link to the submission form are posted at https://acawso.org/bpc/. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2024. After the initial submission, your group will be able to make edits to your proposal, if needed, until October 31, 2024. The BPC is available for consultations with your group regarding the language of your proposal.

If you have any questions about this Proposal process, please send an email to bpc@adultchildren.org.

Förslag på nytt manuskript 7:e traditionen!

The ACA World Service Organization (WSO) Finance Committee has developed a new suggested addition to every ACA Group’s meeting script. We especially encourage online meetings to use this in your script. It includes a pause of one or two minutes for silent meditation and to allow your members time to contribute to your meeting or directly to WSO.

It’s now time for the 7th Tradition – Our group collects 7th tradition contributions to cover our operating expenses and we pass along any excess to the World Service Organization, known as WSO, and (if they exist) to our Intergroup and Region. Our WSO’s essential mission is to carry the ACA message across the world, to different people, cultures, and languages. WSO make it possible for those people who suffer in silence and isolation to find meetings and fellowship.  WSO depends on contributions to produce literature in new languages so Adult Children everywhere can have the chance to recover, as well as maintaining services to the fellowship (websites, staff, print production, etc.). We will now pause the meeting for one (or two) minutes of silent meditation to give everyone the chance to contribute using our __________.  (For in person meetings, replace the previous sentence with:  We will now pass the basket.) Newcomers are encouraged to buy literature or books and are welcome to contribute to the 7th tradition when they are ready. (Add here the information online members need in order to contribute to your Group.)

To contribute directly to WSO:

Thank you for supporting ACA and the World Service Organization! Contribute only what you can afford. All amounts, no matter the size, are important to our tradition of self-support through our own contributions and to your own recovery.

You may also find the contents of this email and the suggested 7th Tradition language at https://adultchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Suggested-New-Meeting-Script-for-the-7th-Tradition.pdf

Nyheter från Europa-Kommittén

Listen to the 10 hours of recovery
We’re very delighted to let you know that the recordings from the 6th European annual convention are now available to download for free from our website, just visit https://acawsoec.org to access them. 

We’d also like to thank all of you who attended, supported and helped to make this event happen. According to our systems, throughout the day around 500 fellows from 15 countries joined it.

Carry the message of hope
There are service positions currently available at the committee and we’re looking to fill some of them by the end of this year or earlier. So, if you’d completed the ACA steps, did/are doing the service at the national level and want to further help out the ACA community, we’d like to hear from you.

For detailed information about the service positions and how to apply please contact the Chair of European Committee Fredrick on ec-chair@acawso.org.

Please join us on the monthly teleconference
on every First Saturday of the Month, 14:00 CET (central european time) on zoom. 

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

For more information and additional contacts please visit: