Kategoriarkiv: Aktuellt

Världspraktiskt möte 6-7 maj, kom med!

The 2023 ABC Is Coming! Please Join Us May 6-7
Dear ACA delegates and observers,
Thank you for your service to the ACA fellowship over the past year. Because of your commitment, we now have a year-round Conference that is providing invaluable guidance to the ACA World Service Organization. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.
The 2023 Annual Business Conference (ABC) will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7, from 9 am to about 4:30 pm eastern US. Please note of the important notes and info for the delegates in this letter.
All delegates must be selected by a registered ACA group, intergroup, or region. Even if you attended the 2022 delegate meetings, please contact your group and let them know that they must appoint you or another member to represent them at this year’s ABC. First-time delegates also must be selected by a registered ACA group, intergroup, or region. 
All delegates must submit a new online registration no later than April 30. All new and returning delegates must register for the 2023 meetings at https://adultchildren.org/conference. Registrations for prior delegate meetings will not be valid.

Non-Delegates may listen to the ABC as observers and may register at any time. Information is available at https://adultchildren.org/conference

Please volunteer to serve. The Annual Business Conference and quarterly meetings belong to the delegates. All delegates and observers are invited to consider volunteering for service at the ABC, QDM or on the ABC AWC committee, which supports the ABC. We currently need volunteers at the ABC, roles include meeting timer, tech support, information assistant. Experienced volunteers are sought to serve as a Conference chair or parliamentarian. To volunteer for the ABC, please email abc@adultchildren.org, attend an ABC planning meeting and/or attend one of the training sessions listed below. 

Stay informed. You will get regular updates by email, on Slack delegate channel, and the https://adultchildren.org/conference website. 

Delegate trainings. Training sessions are available April 15 and April 29. Regardless of your time zone, you can get a preview the 2023 ABC agenda and process learn about volunteer opportunities at the 2023 ABC, and in the ACA World Service Organization, See the schedule below my signature. If you can’t attend, recordings will be posted on the website. The information for joining the training sessions will be posted on the conference website.
Thank you again for your participation. The essence of ACA service is that we all work on behalf of the ACA fellowship, as entrusted by ACA groups, intergroups, and regions. The Conference is the voice of the fellowship and guides WSO on broad policy matters. Your work is making this spiritual vision a reality.
Please join us on May 6 and 7 at the ABC. Your voice ensures our world fellowship will flourish and be sustainable. We look forward to serving you and seeing you soon on ABC and joining us in service together,
Charlie H.
Delegate Training Subcommittee chair
Edmundas V. and Marcus H.
Co-chairs of ABC/QDM committee.
Delegate Training Schedule
Introduction to ABC and WSO Volunteer Service: Saturday, April 15, 9 am and 9 pm eastern US (2 sessions)

Learn how you can help ensure a smooth Business Conference in which all delegates are heard with respect. The program will describe ABC trusted-servant positions and introduce you to year-round service opportunities in the Conference and in ACA World Service. This includes the ABC AWC Committee, which supports delegate meetings.

Annual Business Conference Preview, April 29, 9 am and 9 pm eastern US (2 sessions)

Get a preview of the upcoming ABC. What are the ballot proposals and other big issues? What will be asked of you as a delegate? How do the voting and discussion procedures work? Who are the trusted servants guiding the conference, and how might you assist? How do Election Buddy and Slack work? In addition to the training, you can meet one or more board members and delegates from across the world. You will get a personal delegate link for joining us on Zoom before the ABC.

Riksmöte & Konvent i Malmö 19 & 20 maj

Det blir Riksmöte och konvent i Malmö 19 & 20 maj.

Platsen blir Stadionkyrkan på Stensjögatan 1.

Här är länken till all information och

Här är länken till kallelsen till servicekonferensen – SK – med all info:


Tider blir 16 – 21:30 på fredagen och 9 – 21:30 på lördagen.

Programmet börjar kl.17 på fredgen och kl.10 på lördagen.

Varmt välkomna till vårens Konvent och SK i Malmö!

A warm welcome to the ACA National Convention and the ACA Swedish Business Conference in Malmö.
th and 20th of May 2023.

Theme: ACA – a loving solution.

19th and 20th of May: ACA National Convention: Time:
Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 9:30 pm

May 20th: ACA Business conference Saturday from Noon to 5 pm

Location: Stadionkyrkan, Stensjögatan 1, Malmö, Sweden

General questions and questions about accommodation:


Interested in doing service? Register your interest and which day you want to help out:


Do you want to be a speaker or hold a workshop? Register your interest to:


We will serve dinner on Saturday evening at a cost of 10 Euro/100 SEK. There will be two choices: vegan and meat. Food allergies must be reported no later than May 9th.
Registration in advance is required for the dinner: aca.christoph@gmail.com
(Café with sales available on site)

Convention fee: 10 Euro/SEK 100 per person. 20 Euro/SEK 200 including dinner:

More information will be sent out continuously! Welcome to this ACA event.
Together we are strong!

ACA Europa månadsmöte – 4:e mars

Dear fellows,

Please join us on the monthly teleconference on Saturday, March, 4th 14:00 CET on zoom. You will find the agenda attached below. 

Apologies, the previous email included a wrong agenda.

Link to the agenda can be found here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Hope to see you Saturday.

Respectfully submitted


Gratefully serving as the Chair European Committee 

Board of Trustee for WSO


Donationer till WSO behövs nu för de som kan ge


Dear Fellow Travelers,

Every ACA group’s primary purpose is to carry the message to adult children still suffering, everywhere. Some may take for granted that there is a “Big Red Book” available in every language, but the fact is that countries around the world do not have access to any ACA literature in their native language. Providing translated literature is one of the most important services the World Services Organization (WSO) performs on behalf of ACA groups.


What does WSO do with your donations?

  • Translates and publishes literature in other languages
  • Pays special workers to keep accounts and manage technology
  • Maintains physical and virtual assets like warehouses and Websites
  • Why are WSO donations lower than expected?

● Many meetings that were in person pre-pandemic and were regularly collecting 7th tradition contributions are no longer collecting them and donating to WSO.

What can you do?

  • Ask your group to collect 7th tradition contributions at the meeting.
    Online meetings can STOP their meeting for 1-2 minutes to allow members to contribute to your group’s virtual basket without missing any of the meeting.
  • Ask your group to donate at least quarterly down to your group’s prudent reserve amount.
  • Consider making a personal monthly recurring donation directly to WSO.With your help WSO will be able to maintain a release schedule of 3 or more newly translated literature pieces per year to reach even more adult children who are suffering. Here is the link to the https://adultchildren.org/7th-tradition webpage. You may choose the way you want to make a one-time donation or set up an automatic monthly donation in any amount.Thank you for your service and your donations to help carry the message!In Service,
    The WSO Finance Committee

European Committee Meeting 4 februari

Dear fellows,

(Same time and link as the ordinary Monthly meeting for European Committee) 
The meeting focus will be on ACA Translated Publications. All are invited to attend.

Time: Saturday 4th of February at 14:00 CET
Join Zoom Meeting. 
Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/axcRArokQ 

Topics to be discussed:

  • From North American Centric to World Centric
  • Translated Literature and Accessible publications
  • Affordable Translated and English literature in Europe
  • Global distribution – print and online
  • Shipping challenges
  • Costs for producing literature
  • International Scholarship
  • 7th Tradition

Attached here is a more extensive description of the meeting. 

Join us! ACA WSO need feedback from the Fellowship.
Fredrik H, European Committee Chair and Treasurer WSO
Sue V, Board Chair WSO and Chair Publishing Committee
Bill D, General Manager