Författararkiv: admin

Lördag 3 september European Committee Monthly meeting

Dear fellows,

Please join us on the monthly teleconference on Saturday, September 3, 2022 14:00 CET on zoom. You will find the agenda attached below. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3437 2326
Passcode: 437668

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQHo2hHEh

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

The Agenda for the European Committee Monthly meeting tomorrow can be found here.

Hope to see you Saturday.Respectfully submitted
Gratefully serving as the Chair European Committee  Board of Trustee for WSO


Annual World Convention (AWC) 21-22/5

The event starts on Saturday 06:00 CET and runs for 40 hours. Please follow this link to register at the Convention website: https://www.acaworldconvention.org/2022-awc-registration/

The European Committee will have it’s own timeslot on Saturday 13:30 CET.The name of the Panel discussion is:”Meet the European Committee”
The following subjects will be covered:
1) Introductions and brief service history of members and possibly guests
2) Function of the European Committee in the WSO
3) Establishing a European ACA Region and the history so far
4) The fellowships development in Europe and current situation
5) Plans for the coming year6) Q&A, questions and answers from participants and panel

We would be very happy to see as many of you in the meeting as possible, please come and join us!
