Zoom-workshop 5/9: Medberoende-prevention!

”Our Loving Parent & Inner Child Codependency Prevention Plan” Workshop

There are substance and behavioral disorder relapse prevention plans and suicide prevention plans . . .

Attendees of this workshop will walk away with a Codependency Prevention Plan created in collaboration with your Loving Parent & Inner Child!

This workshop embraces participants from ALL 12 Step programs who desire to heal from the effects of childhood trauma and dysfunction– those effects may include but are not limited to self-abandonment, codependence, self-comforting via substance or behavioral disorders, relationship conflict or failure, and chronic mental-physical suffering.

Attendees should bring something to type or write on. Colorful, creative art/craft supplies and post-it notes are welcome! Attendees can also bring powerful affirmations, their favorite stuffed animal, and a favorite bedtime story or lullaby. 

*** NOTE #1: The morning workshop is open to 12 Step women only. The evening workshop is open to 12 Step women AND men. Trans and non-binary 12 Steppers identifying with female experience are welcome. Women can choose to attend one or both of the workshops; the content will be similar but not identical. ***

*** NOTE #2: These workshops will be held in lieu of the speaker meetings that usually occur at these time slots due to a lack of volunteer Speakers on this date ***

Saturday, Sept 5, 2020 10am-Noon US/Pacific Time (kl. 19 – 21 svensk tid)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88584846491?pwd=d2FrWUZ2ZmI1Y2FDdDIzMjI3U1NpUT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 885 8484 6491
Zoom Passcode: womenspeak

Saturday, Sept 5, 2020 6-8pm US/Pacific Time (6 sept. kl. 03 – 05 svensk tid)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82078433444?pwd=WGFtNllpSGZRWkNhTERkc0NYUG1rdz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 820 7843 3444
Zoom Passcode: speaker

Additional Questions? 
Contact Tara K. at acawahi@gmail.com, (360) 660-0938 or Alison at phoenixakt@gmail.com.