månadsarkiv: augusti 2024

The Call for Proposals

August 6, 2024

Every year the Ballot Preparation Committee (BPC) solicits input from the ACA fellowship on topics and ideas for possible inclusion on the ABC agenda. Registered ACA meetings, Intergroups, and Regions have the opportunity, through their group conscience, to offer proposals that may benefit the groups and members, worldwide.

If your group has an idea to benefit ACA worldwide, they may submit it  via a submission form that can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2025ABCProposals. The BPC reviews each submitted proposal to ensure it is consistent with the Proposal Guidelines document (click HERE to open), and is within the spirit of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. All proposals accepted upon review will be included on this year’s Ballot, which will be published in January 2025. Registered ACA groups worldwide will be invited to vote on the Proposals starting in February. Ballot voting results will help set the agenda of the Annual Business Conference (ABC). 

Sometimes a proposal would be better directed toward a specific WSO Committee. We urge your group to reach out to the committee best suited to implement your proposal. It’s an ideal way to learn more about their work and to even find a place to do service – and they may already have a similar project underway. A list of committees can be found on the WSO Service website – https://acawso.org/.

On occasion, the BPC may recognize strong similarities between individual Proposals and may suggest to the submitting groups that they combine these Proposals in order to consolidate the Ballot or expedite the ABC proceedings.

In the past the BPC has offered ‘Crafting A Proposal’ workshops to assist groups in fashioning a clear and compelling Proposal. We are unsure at this time whether a workshop will be offered this season. If a workshop is scheduled, all groups will be notified. A recording of a previous Proposal workshop may be found by clicking here.  If any groups would like help crafting a proposal, please send an email to bpc@adultchildren.org

Proposal process details, and a link to the submission form are posted at https://acawso.org/bpc/. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2024. After the initial submission, your group will be able to make edits to your proposal, if needed, until October 31, 2024. The BPC is available for consultations with your group regarding the language of your proposal.

If you have any questions about this Proposal process, please send an email to bpc@adultchildren.org.