12 Step Recovery Summit,
Transforming Pain to Promises
24-25 oktober, kl 20 – 02, vår tid (10am – 4pm US/PST)
This event embraces members of all 12 Step fellowships and is a sacred, healing space for all who wish to recover from childhood trauma/dysfunction. This is not a retreat, but a gathering of passionate and determined survivors forging a new identity based on unconditional self-love.
To register, go to www.acarecoverysummit2020.com, Registration ends at Midnight US/PST on Wednesday, 10/21/2020. (kl. 10 torsdag 22 oktober, vår tid)
For Summit updates and Q&A, join our google group: groups.google.com/g/aca-recovery-space.
For more info on ACA, please goto adultchildren.org.
Sponsored by the Washington State ACA Intergroup and The Healing Consortium.