Hej! ACA’s Europakommitté söker aktivt efter service-sponsorer. En service-sponsor är någon som:
- erbjuder råd och stöd till ACA-grupper i Europa utifrån ACA’s traditioner och koncept.
- agerar som medlare för landet/regionen dom svarar inför
- guidar i översättnings-processer och i användning av copyright-material
- går att rådfråga angående servicestruktur
Mer info på engelska följer. Se kontaktuppgifter längst ner.
- Offers advice and support to the ACA fellowships in Europe (intergroups, groups/meetings and individuals) based on traditions and concepts of ACA
- Acts as a mediator for the country/region they are assigned to
- Provides guidance regarding the translation process and usage of copyright materials
- Consults about the service structure
Recommended qualifications:
- 2 years in ACA
- Did/does service in ACA intergroup or national level
- Works the ACA program
- Completed the 12th Steps in ACA
- Regularly attends the ACA meetings
- Understands the ACA traditions well and/or is keen to know more about them
Selection process:
- Once the interest is expressed the candidate is invited to meet the ACA European Committee to discuss their suitability
- The ACA European Committee vouches the candidates
Additional info:
- The purpose of the role is to guide and not impose
- The position holder should not be part of the intergroup conscious for the country they are assigned to during their service
- The responsibilities are shared amongst the team of Service Sponsors
- The Service Sponsor can be assigned to assist any country/region in Europe that requires guidance
This is a much-needed service to the fast-growing European ACA community and I kindly ask you to pass on this information to as many ACA groups and fellows as possible so we can find the suitable candidates to take on this position.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss the Service Sponsor position further.
Many thanks,
Service Sponsor Coordinator – ACA European Committee