Kategoriarkiv: Europa

Möte lör 29/11 kl.14 om att bilda en Europa-region som bl.a. gör böcker billigare

Dear fellows,
 On the European Annual Event in October we had a discussion panel about the European Fellowships working towards creating a Region.  We talked about pros and cons about it and all invited guest couldn’t see any cons about it.

The next meeting is scheduled to Saturday the 28th of November at 14:00 CET (Central European Time) I will send out a link for a Zoom meeting for those who want to be on the call, also an agenda.
Welcome to join and ask questions and have discussions.

It would be great to see as many of you as possible.

So please send me an email to ec-chair@acawso.org if you want to be a part of this meeting. Some of you have already said yes.
And in the same week I will send out a link and an agenda to those who have announced their interest.

We will try to keep it to one hour meeting, but I have more time if that is necessary.

Kind regards Fredrik as the Chair for the  European Committeeec-chair@acawso.org