Kategoriarkiv: Aktuellt
Mötesprotokoll ACA Sveriges Servicekonferens hösten 2023
Inbjudan Riksmöte Karlstad 2023
Riksmöte Karlstad 2023 Program
Inbjudan att hålla öppet onlinemöte under Aca’s årliga världskonvent
Dear Fellow Travellers, I would like to extend an invitation to your local ACA communities to consider holding an online open ACA meeting in a language other than English at the Annual World Convention 2023 (Friday November 17 until Saturday November 18 Eastern Time).
If you are interested, please submit your application for a 90 minutes open ACA meeting (topic of your choice) by Monday November 11, 2023.
Direct access to the application form:
Take a look on the Convention program and see where open ACA meetings can be scheduled https://adultchildren.org/2023-awc/
We are waiting for your applications until November 11th.
If you have questions please email the AWC Planning team at
In thankful service,
Edmundas V.,
serving as the Chair of European Committee
Öppet Litteratur policy möte
Open Literature Policy Meeting To our ACA Members: You are invited to a second conversation about the wording of the ACA Open Literature Policy. This date and time were set to work for our worldwide members in different time zones: Saturday October 28, 9pm ET Examples of world time zones: GMT + 7–11am Sunday, Thailand time GMT + 11 noon Sunday, Australia time GMT + 13 2pm Sunday, New Zealand time Zoom: 856 5245 7314Passcode: 876816 First, I would like to reassure you there is no plan to abandon the open literature policy. Any information you may have received to the contrary is not true. There is no poll and we are not taking a vote. There would never be any changes to the open literature policy without the fellowship’s agreement and there is nothing proposed. Concept VI states that “our Annual Business Conference with delegates from all our meetings, intergroups and regions have the final decision respecting large matters of general policy…” Again, the purpose of this meeting is NOT to get rid of the ACA Open Literature policy.The purpose is to review the language that is in the BRB (p 612) and the Literature Policy trifold (https://adultchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/Literature/Literature_Policy_EN_US_A4.pdf) to see if it should be updated or improved. We thought of some questions for your feedback, and you may have others. That is the purpose—to have a conversation about what works and what doesn’t. Here are a few of the questions we are looking at: 1. The trifold says outside literature should “support the growth of ACA and promote unity and consistency of our Twelve Step message” Should the “message” be more in line with The Solution, including reparenting? 2. The BRB p 612 says outside literature should not contradict “Sponsorship?” ShouldSponsorship be removed and just keep the Laundry List and the Solution? 3. Should we consider language more like “promote ACA recovery” without referring toparticular documents? 4. What does it mean to “promote an author?” Doesn’t every book promote an author? If you can’t attend and wish to offer your views, you can email me. At litchair@acawso.org. I have assembled all comments I have received and will forward to the committee. A few important notes: We heard that many of you benefit from using “A New Hope.” It has completed the Literature Review step and has been approved for the Fellowship Review step in the process of obtaining Conference Approval. So, it is in the process of becoming ACA literature! Also, many of you referred to Tony A’s steps. ACA is prohibited from using the exact language in those steps by the copyright owner, who has threatened to sue. However, we been working for over a year to create a new set or sets of ACA Steps that are gentle, loving, and in line with ACA recovery. We will be sending out 7 sets of steps soon in a survey for you to rank. Our effort is to determine if the language in the policy needs to be more definitive and more inclusive, loving, etc. Any information circulated indicating an attempt to abandon the policy is totally wrong and in no way ever reflected our intentions. The current intent, with your help, is to make this policy clearer. Our committees and subcommittees are open to volunteers. We welcome your participation. We encourage all our groups to register a delegate to be involved withdecisions affecting our fellowship. Please click on https://adultchildren.org/conference/. With love in service, Christine B Literature Chair, litchair@acawso.org |
Riksmöte Karlstad 24-26 november
Mötesprotokoll ServiceGruppen 11 september 2023
Mötesprotokoll Servicegruppen 14 augusti 2023
Servicegruppen ACA Sverige söker villiga medlemmar för service inom SG- kunniga inom redovisning
Viktigt meddelande till samtliga grupper inom ACA – Sverige. Vänligen läs upp detta på era möten
Vi ber samtliga grupper i Sverige att aktivt och skyndsamt söka en lämplig kandidat för de viktiga serviceposterna som Ekonomiansvarig och vice Ekonomiansvarig för ACA Sverige.
Då ordinarie Ekonomiansvarig roterar ut i december 2023 och vi saknar båda posterna har vi stort behov av tillfrisknande vänner som har erfarenhet av hantering av pengar och flera år av tillfrisknande inom vårt program. Varmt välkommen att nominera kandidater eller presentera dig själv.
Att göra serviceuppdrag är en viktig och rolig del av tillfrisknandet!
För mer information kring serviceposten:
Mail : info@aca-sverige.org
Telefon : 0760-286330
Det går även att nå Servicegruppen för ACA – Sverige, via kontaktuppgifter på ACA- Sveriges hemsida.
Tack för att ni hjälper oss att hitta fler medlemmar som är villiga att göra service.