Det blir Riksmöte och konvent i Malmö 19 & 20 maj.
Platsen blir Stadionkyrkan på Stensjögatan 1.
Här är länken till all information och
Här är länken till kallelsen till servicekonferensen – SK – med all info:
Tider blir 16 – 21:30 på fredagen och 9 – 21:30 på lördagen.
Programmet börjar kl.17 på fredgen och kl.10 på lördagen.
Varmt välkomna till vårens Konvent och SK i Malmö!
A warm welcome to the ACA National Convention and the ACA Swedish Business Conference in Malmö.
19th and 20th of May 2023.
Theme: ACA – a loving solution.
19th and 20th of May: ACA National Convention: Time:
Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 9:30 pm
May 20th: ACA Business conference Saturday from Noon to 5 pm
Location: Stadionkyrkan, Stensjögatan 1, Malmö, Sweden
General questions and questions about accommodation:
Interested in doing service? Register your interest and which day you want to help out:
Do you want to be a speaker or hold a workshop? Register your interest to:
We will serve dinner on Saturday evening at a cost of 10 Euro/100 SEK. There will be two choices: vegan and meat. Food allergies must be reported no later than May 9th.
Registration in advance is required for the dinner:
(Café with sales available on site)
Convention fee: 10 Euro/SEK 100 per person. 20 Euro/SEK 200 including dinner:
More information will be sent out continuously! Welcome to this ACA event.
Together we are strong!