månadsarkiv: februari 2020

Registreringen för ABC/AWC i Florida i april är öppen.

Registration is NOW Open!!

Annual Business Conference
April 23 & 24, 2020

ACA World Convention
April 24 (evening), 25 & 26, 2020

The 2020 ABC/AWC will be held at the Renaissance Marriott in Boca Raton, Florida.  You can register for the convention, book a room and purchase meals from the  Convention Website.  The prices for meals and registration will increase as we get closer to the convention.  Registering early will not only save you money, but will also help WSO and the Local Host Committee out tremendously with the planning process.  We can’t wait to see you in Boca Raton!

Vote on the 2020 ABC Ballot Proposals by March 31st.
On January 15th, meetings, Intergroups, and Regions worldwide were sent a mailing with information about the ABC Ballot. This is your group’s opportunity to vote on whether or not you believe the submitted Proposals that will be included merit discussion at the upcoming Annual Business Conference. More information will also be available at that time on the ABC Ballot Prep Committee page of the acawso.org website. Any questions may be emailed to bpc@adultchildren.org.

Each Meeting and Intergroup Designates a Delegate
All Delegates, whether in attendance or remote, must register first at acaworldconvention.org.

The business of the WSO is conducted at the ABC primarily by the Delegates, who are chosen by their group to be their representative. Some information about becoming a Delegate – the role and responsibilities – may be found on the  Delegate Training Page. This page will be updated periodically, so refer back, as needed.

ABC Offers Remote Voting
Prior to the 2019 ABC, the only Delegates who were able to participate and vote at the Annual Business Conference were those who could afford the time and expense of physically attending. Once again, this April, Delegates directly representing a meeting or Intergroup will be able to have a voice, and a vote, on the matters brought before the conference.

Trainings, and opportunities for questions and answers, will be available in the weeks leading up to the ABC. As mentioned above, all delegates may find pertinent information on the Delegate Training Page.

Nu på WSO:s hemsida: Addressing Predatory Behavior Tent Card

January 30, 2020
Dear Fellow Traveler,

Based on the motion approved by the ABC in April 2019, the Addressing Predatory Behavior working group is presenting the tent card “ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior” for fellowship review.

This document was developed by the APB working group to provide meetings with a first conference- approved tool to help them address predatory behavior occurring in and around ACA meetings. It was drafted by the working group and then revised based on a fellowship wide group conscience process via Town Hall conference calls in the summer of 2019. In October 2019, the revised document was approved by the ACA WSO Board of Trustees for preliminary publication based on the motion passed by the ABC.

Predatory behavior, as we understand it, occurs when members act out their childhood behavior by becoming victimizers themselves in and around meetings, in interactions with other members of the fellowship. Having learned to detect and take advantage of those who have not yet learned to trust their instincts or set healthy boundaries, they exploit this weakness to solicit emotional gratification, personal or financial favors, and romance or sexual encounters.

We believe that it is our responsibility to keep our meetings safe by openly addressing predatory behavior, should it occur. The ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior was developed as a tent card to serve as a reminder of this, and to offer immediate access to some of the resources that have been already developed within the fellowship and made available by the APB working group on acawso.com.

The ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior can be incorporated into your meeting format in several different ways – as a tent card, it can be placed on a table in the center of the room or in another prominent location where members can read it during the meeting. Some meetings may choose to read it as part of their opening; or to pass it around for members to review while the meeting is in progress.

An electronic version of this document is now available for download at https://adultchildren.org/free-literature-english-translated/. This is a preliminary publication, pending final approval by the ABC. Through November 30, 2020, all members are welcome to submit feedback on the ACA Commitment to Addressing Predatory Behavior by sending an e-mail to liteval@acawso.org. This feedback may include comments about language; or it may include observations about how you use the document in your meetings and suggestions for additional resources. Once the feedback period has closed, we will review any feedback received and consider it when presenting the document to the ABC 2021 for final approval.

We hope you find this document helpful in keeping your meeting safe for all, particularly newcomers! In service,

Karin S.
Chair, APB working group

Charlie H.,
Chair, ACA WSO Board of Trustees