Delta i ACA Europas telefonkonferens och/eller sök en post i Europakommittéen.

Dear fellow travelers,

This is an invitation to our monthly teleconference on March 7, 14:00 by zoom conference. You will find the agenda HERE

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 178 726 055

Find your local number:

For more information and additional contacts please visit:

Election to the European Committee

Any participant, who is representing a local meeting, Intergroup, Region, or national fellowship of ACA, is eligible to vote on decisions regarding the agenda items of the Monthly Teleconference (TC) for the ACA European Committee (EC). Everyone has the right to partition, but the right to vote needs to carry a group conscience. 

At this point in time the EC is looking for trusted servants for 3 positions (click at the name of the position to get more info)

Should you be interested in any of these positions, the EC needs your experiences within the program, a short description of what kinda service positions you have had within your fellowship.

We need to have this by the March 4. 

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best Regard

Fredrik H

Chair of the European Committee

For donations to the European Committee work please visit

Please contact the ACA European committee by using the adresses found at
The European Committee works to unify and carry the message to the fellowships of the European countries according to our traditions and concepts. The European Committee (EC) functions as a group of trusted servants elected by its members. The officers carry out the jobs and goals set by the European Committee. The EC is a standing committee of the World Service Organization of Adult Children of Alcoholics (WSO).